PC3s who intends to get out ASAP?

While you mouth breathers are sitting here arguing over who's ipad is bigger syneos is out here stealing your jobs. The syneos jardiance team is getting another expansion... I think we all know what that means.

PC3 is near the end.
We will launch CKD which will not make much of a difference in market share while Farxiga launches their CV indication that matches ours further proving that these are me too drugs.

After 1 year of launching CKD we should be close to the end of the BI contract and the contract reps will take over to sample drop a d hit metrics

PC3 is near the end.
We will launch CKD which will not make much of a difference in market share while Farxiga launches their CV indication that matches ours further proving that these are me too drugs.

After 1 year of launching CKD we should be close to the end of the BI contract and the contract reps will take over to sample drop a d hit metrics

Pc3 will not launch CKD. at least not all of you.
Screenshot this, save it, mark it down.

Who’s getting the obesity indication? Will it be sold under another name like Wegovy?

Is this the fuzzy nuts poster? Bahahaha lolol

You just know it is. “DEFEND. DEFEND. Must DEFEND PC3… wait? Is there a chance PC3 can get obesity?! How can I get to see the obesity indication?! Please God help me!” Lol

Is this the fuzzy nuts poster? Bahahaha lolol

You just know it is. “DEFEND. DEFEND. Must DEFEND PC3… wait? Is there a chance PC3 can get obesity?! How can I get to see the obesity indication?! Please God help me!” Lol

LoL for the past couple weeks I've relentlessly made fun of you for being dumb enough to believe that you (a loser boomer career pc rep) will sell the obesity indication... Why on god's green earth would I ask that question?

Jesus take the wheel the dementia has finally took hold. LoL what an idiot.

I have a lot to say about this. I like my job. I like my offices. I like selling Jardiance and Emgality and I’ll sell whatever they ask me to sell. What I don’t like is the metric-heavy micromanagement and what it has turned being a rep into.

8.5 calls a day on company data directed targets isn’t the reality of who you can see and have influence over in the field. No see systems are a reality across the country and yet these are the targets dropping into our call plans with no way of removing them. They want me to see a doctor 6 times that I have 0 access to? What back door do they think I can magically access? Truthfully, I should only enter service calls on them but then my reach, frequency, and attainment are going to suffer. So then what do we do because we have no choice? The obvious result is - stretching the truth. Or in many reps cases, flat out lying.

Lilly has us complete Red Book training on ethics and then force our hands into making metrics supersede what we know wasn’t a real call. How can we change it? We can’t. Our managers know what is going on. They can tell their managers but it doesn’t matter because some moron at the top things that the targets Javelin gives us are the end all be all for moving business. The BI contract is too important (or expensive) I guess. So this quarter it’s all about reach, frequency, and attainment when that truly had no ability to change prescription outcomes, but makes the tidy numbers line up to keep Lilly and BI buddies. *RANT*

CKD indication, pediatric indication?, and maybe mounjaro coming our way? Who knows. But nothing about this push for metrics is making us sell a damn thing. Just keep paying me and I’ll do the best I can with what I have been given.

Very well said.

Very well said.
Red Book! That is nothing more than expensive toilet paper.

A company built by a Civil War hero has been run into the ground by a bunch of foreigners and idiots with MBA degrees who are only concerned about earnings.

Oh, and protecting their phony baloney jobs.

Five years from now the airwaves will be filled with lawyers advertising how to profit from some cancer or other disease from taking Mounjaro.

Watch and learn...watch and learn.

shut the fuck up
You must have learned that in sales school.

Unfortunately, you skipped the High Ground Opener.

Now, get some Chinese food for the office and give me an invite to some high-priced dinner with some hired gun speaker I could care less about.

Also, tell your partner to wear something that shows off her huge fake rack.

When someone is angry and they are yelling, there are a variety of reasons that they are yelling. Most reasons why they are yelling are not good reasons for yelling, so it’s important that the recipient react correctly, which is more about not being reactive. It is important to understand why someone is yelling, because most often yelling is indicative of issues in that person’s core psyche that have nothing to do with the recipient of the yelling. Their yelling is a reflection of their emotional instability, even though their yelling is intended to show strength and dominance in the situation.

It’s okay but I prefer reverse cowgirl.
Reverse cowgirl is solid and not to be overlooked, especially after a day of practicing one's sales message and perfecting your High Ground Opener.

However, I might be old school or an old fool, but having a new rep on all fours is probably the best, and with iPhone in hand you can always count on a great money shot.

I want to personally thank Camelia P. when she was National Sales Manager for providing some solid footage back in the day.

B. Scholl.