PC/SP spared...for now.


update teh resume
contact old coworkers, friends, linkedin,facebook
get braggbook ready,
review interview queestions
dont wast the energy on negative, invest in yourself
be kind to your boyfriend/spouse
exercixe to burn off the stresss...even a mile walk will help

positive positive positive

what do you see happening...clearly you have a nice view of the situation from where you are

Early next week the remaining lame duck VPs that will be laid off will be announced-the names of some have already been posted here so it's obvious the news is leaking from home office. Soon after, the next level will be hit and hard. Reps that are affected appears to already begun but more will come this week.

Early next week the remaining lame duck VPs that will be laid off will be announced-the names of some have already been posted here so it's obvious the news is leaking from home office. Soon after, the next level will be hit and hard. Reps that are affected appears to already begun but more will come this week.

Any idea what will happen in Med Affairs? They can do without reps because doctors get information from literature and conferences but they can't do without us.

Any idea what will happen in Med Affairs? They can do without reps because doctors get information from literature and conferences but they can't do without us.

I would guess (not real intel) a select few of the MSLs will also be laid off. Look at it from the perspective of the products LC stated at the town hall the company will focus their resources. That should give you some idea how resources will be allocated.

As if we can believe him. . . Dec. we were told no layoffs, then layoffs just not alot on pc side, now no restructuring on the pc side oh but that is "for now" so technically that could be March, or April etc. of this year. What to believe? just plain cruelty

there will be layoffs and we will all be discriminated against yet again. this company is in crisis mode and creating complete chaos.

way to go eisai layoffs, no layoffs, yes but not now

you are correct but I believe you missed on one point. they WILL be laying off, the March conference call was not cancelled, no moving around of territories at this time, but yes to layoffs. the restructure will be what it all looks like on April 1.

Early next week the remaining lame duck VPs that will be laid off will be announced-the names of some have already been posted here so it's obvious the news is leaking from home office. Soon after, the next level will be hit and hard. Reps that are affected appears to already begun but more will come this week.

Will the reps affected be given just as much notice as the VPs? Will they know next week too?

Come on people! For now means, get out there and do what you are getting paid to do! If you actually sell Aricept 23 and Aciphex instead of just showing up, maybe the sales will increase and they will not have to make any more major changes. This is a business people! Every business in the world fails if the sales organization does not sell the products. You can control your own fate to a certain degree. All of us have gone through some kind of adversity. It is our attitude and how we respond and the choices we make that will determine our individual outcome. Our fate rests in our own hands. Focus on what you can do not what you can't! We can do this people!

Really? WE are responsible for this failure? ARE YOU F'N KIDDING ME? Not one rep or one territory is anywhere near the original goals for A23! Two major fumbles in R&D and acquisitions (eritorin, lorcaserin) and that is within our control as well? If this isn't the textbook definition of a colossal failure in management, I don't know what is.

I don't even think the top 5% of all pharmaceutical sales reps in the industry could save this company. The mistakes that management has made are irreversible.

I don't remember Leonardo being able to save the Titanic, even with all of his positive energy. He found a piece of wood for his girl, Kate, turned blue and sank. If the ships going down, it's going down and there is nothing that you can do about it! Good luck.