PC/SP spared...for now.


According to OB's VM, PC side is safe from restructuring "for now". Wow, they actually realized that realigning the sales force that is currently selling your main products would hinder revenue flow. Did someone actually wake up and make an actual business decision that makes sense or what?!! At least that gives us on this side of things some more time to feel out the job market. I'm sorry for those in home office and the hospital/ONC side of things - we all know how if feels after last years obliteration on our side of things.

According to OB's VM, PC side is safe from restructuring "for now". Wow, they actually realized that realigning the sales force that is currently selling your main products would hinder revenue flow. Did someone actually wake up and make an actual business decision that makes sense or what?!! At least that gives us on this side of things some more time to feel out the job market. I'm sorry for those in home office and the hospital/ONC side of things - we all know how if feels after last years obliteration on our side of things.

Isn't Halaven in a launch phase also? WTF???? I thought Halaven was going to cure every major cancer??? WTF???

Everyone I know is calling BS on this one! They need us to stay focused so they are just telling us we won't be touched...at least until March 31st when we get the phone calls!

As if we can believe him. . . Dec. we were told no layoffs, then layoffs just not alot on pc side, now no restructuring on the pc side oh but that is "for now" so technically that could be March, or April etc. of this year. What to believe? just plain cruelty

there will be layoffs and we will all be discriminated against yet again. this company is in crisis mode and creating complete chaos.

way to go eisai layoffs, no layoffs, yes but not now

According to OB's VM, PC side is safe from restructuring "for now". Wow, they actually realized that realigning the sales force that is currently selling your main products would hinder revenue flow. Did someone actually wake up and make an actual business decision that makes sense or what?!! At least that gives us on this side of things some more time to feel out the job market. I'm sorry for those in home office and the hospital/ONC side of things - we all know how if feels after last years obliteration on our side of things.

Correct. "For now" is just that, for now. But the part that can be more misleading is "safe from restructuring". You can lay off people and not restructure the organization. Just do the same work with fewer people. The meaning of restructuring is wider than cut backs, or reduction in force.

Well.....then just save a copy of his voice mail (if needed for an attorney).
Then as i see it , you have one of two options, 1. take your chances and stick it out to see what happens here at Eisai or
2. don't trust em and find a new job.

We live in a free world, if you aren't happy here no one is forcing you to stay???????????

Please don't take that statements as I am trying to be a smart ass. It's just that, we are the only ones that can make our situations different and better for ourselves and our families. If we keep waiting around for Eisai, we are just wasting time. It's not the company it used to be. Use this little bit of extra time while employed to find another job.

This whole situation is so up and down. I am going to download Katie Perry's song. You're Hot then you're cold. It is driving me nuts. DO THIS.... NO STOP.... DON'T DO THAT. WE'RE DOING THIS NOW WE'RE NOT DOING THAT. IT'S ONE THING TO SAY WE'RE HAVING A LAY OFF BUT TO MESS WITH US PSYCHOLOGICALLY IS REALLY NOT VERY NICE. IF THIS IS THE END FOR ME JUST STOP BEING DISRESPECTFUL. I Have never been disrespectful to this company. Believe it or not I actually respected this job because I need it. Crazy thing mutual respect.

Just heard those poor SOB's in RTP are getting chopped by 50%.

What's the story on home orifice and R&D?

Welocme to our world....

According to OB's VM, PC side is safe from restructuring "for now". Wow, they actually realized that realigning the sales force that is currently selling your main products would hinder revenue flow. Did someone actually wake up and make an actual business decision that makes sense or what?!! At least that gives us on this side of things some more time to feel out the job market. I'm sorry for those in home office and the hospital/ONC side of things - we all know how if feels after last years obliteration on our side of things.

Come on people! For now means, get out there and do what you are getting paid to do! If you actually sell Aricept 23 and Aciphex instead of just showing up, maybe the sales will increase and they will not have to make any more major changes. This is a business people! Every business in the world fails if the sales organization does not sell the products. You can control your own fate to a certain degree. Complaining and dreaming up conspiracy theories is counterproductive. If you don't like Eisai or your role here, then do yourself and all of us a favor and find something else. I feel badly for the Oncology division, but the majority of them must be successful, good sales people or they would not have been given what is considered to be a promotion. Good people can find jobs. Pharmaceutical sales is a challenging place to be for everyone right now, regardless of which company you are employed by. I have so many friends who have been victims of this economy in pharma and other industries. It is just the time we are in. Shame on anyone in primary care who judges OB for making the announcement. I believe he really is trying to manage the situation in the best interest of everyone. He is the messenger. Would any of you like to do his job? Can you imagine the stress? All of us have gone through some kind of adversity. It is our attitude and how we respond and the choices we make that will determine our individual outcome. Our fate rests in our own hands. Focus on what you can do not what you can't! We can do this people!

No, I am not a manager or OB. I am just a very humble, grateful primary care rep.

Come on people! For now means, get out there and do what you are getting paid to do! If you actually sell Aricept 23 and Aciphex instead of just showing up, maybe the sales will increase and they will not have to make any more major changes. This is a business people! Every business in the world fails if the sales organization does not sell the products. You can control your own fate to a certain degree. Complaining and dreaming up conspiracy theories is counterproductive. If you don't like Eisai or your role here, then do yourself and all of us a favor and find something else. I feel badly for the Oncology division, but the majority of them must be successful, good sales people or they would not have been given what is considered to be a promotion. Good people can find jobs. Pharmaceutical sales is a challenging place to be for everyone right now, regardless of which company you are employed by. I have so many friends who have been victims of this economy in pharma and other industries. It is just the time we are in. Shame on anyone in primary care who judges OB for making the announcement. I believe he really is trying to manage the situation in the best interest of everyone. He is the messenger. Would any of you like to do his job? Can you imagine the stress? All of us have gone through some kind of adversity. It is our attitude and how we respond and the choices we make that will determine our individual outcome. Our fate rests in our own hands. Focus on what you can do not what you can't! We can do this people!

No, I am not a manager or OB. I am just a very humble, grateful primary care rep.

I second that!

Finally....poster #16. Thank you for being a professional. I am sure you and I both will hear otherwise from a number of responders over the days to come, but seriously...some of you sound absolutely ridiculous or as if you haven't left high school.

I'm sure a number of you have sincere issues with some in upper management, etc but all of the scuttlebutt on this board (as of now) is simply wasted energy. Either try to do something to improve your situation or move on to what you feel is a better company/position.

That said, enjoy the weekend as this week has been stressful enough.