Come on people! For now means, get out there and do what you are getting paid to do! If you actually sell Aricept 23 and Aciphex instead of just showing up, maybe the sales will increase and they will not have to make any more major changes. This is a business people! Every business in the world fails if the sales organization does not sell the products. You can control your own fate to a certain degree. Complaining and dreaming up conspiracy theories is counterproductive. If you don't like Eisai or your role here, then do yourself and all of us a favor and find something else. I feel badly for the Oncology division, but the majority of them must be successful, good sales people or they would not have been given what is considered to be a promotion. Good people can find jobs. Pharmaceutical sales is a challenging place to be for everyone right now, regardless of which company you are employed by. I have so many friends who have been victims of this economy in pharma and other industries. It is just the time we are in. Shame on anyone in primary care who judges OB for making the announcement. I believe he really is trying to manage the situation in the best interest of everyone. He is the messenger. Would any of you like to do his job? Can you imagine the stress? All of us have gone through some kind of adversity. It is our attitude and how we respond and the choices we make that will determine our individual outcome. Our fate rests in our own hands. Focus on what you can do not what you can't! We can do this people!
No, I am not a manager or OB. I am just a very humble, grateful primary care rep.