
Not all 1099s are as described. Wake up. Stop hating.

I am not hating. Tell me the reason a doctor would switch labs based on a sales rep if he is happy with his lab. What are the reasons? Are you such a great sales person that you can just convince a doctor to switch from lab to lab? I doubt it!

1099 reps shop there work from lab to lab to get the highest commission. I have no problem with this. But why does your client base keep switching with you? They move with you because you are paying them off some how. Whether that is cash, golf trips, game tickets, meals. Remember according to the OIG total remuneration is capped at $325 per practice, not per doctor. I will bet my entire company that everyone of you scumbag 1099 reps is exceeding this cap! All 1099 reps should be illegal! Also according to STARK and AKS these statutes outlaw all commission to any sales rep- marketing company, 1099 or W2 employee. However the OIG issued an exemption to this for W2 employees only. Technically 1099 & Marketing companies are already illegal. This is going to get sorted out soon. Until fuck-off!

I am not hating. Tell me the reason a doctor would switch labs based on a sales rep if he is happy with his lab. What are the reasons? Are you such a great sales person that you can just convince a doctor to switch from lab to lab? I doubt it!

1099 reps shop there work from lab to lab to get the highest commission. I have no problem with this. But why does your client base keep switching with you? They move with you because you are paying them off some how. Whether that is cash, golf trips, game tickets, meals. Remember according to the OIG total remuneration is capped at $325 per practice, not per doctor. I will bet my entire company that everyone of you scumbag 1099 reps is exceeding this cap! All 1099 reps should be illegal! Also according to STARK and AKS these statutes outlaw all commission to any sales rep- marketing company, 1099 or W2 employee. However the OIG issued an exemption to this for W2 employees only. Technically 1099 & Marketing companies are already illegal. This is going to get sorted out soon. Until fuck-off!

You are very uneducated. Idiot....

You are very uneducated. Idiot....

I am Sales Director (with a JD) for a $400m plus laboratory that is certified by CMS as a compliance officer. I bet you didn't even know CMS offers certifications for compliance. I come on this site to see what is going on in the lab sales market. I learn a ton to help educate my W2 reps. You have no idea what you are talking about. As a matter of fact, at my next compliance meeting in August I will be using this "Pay" feed as an example of what not to do in sales and the sheer stupidity of the 1099 sales reps. Before you call someone uneducated, you need to know who is on the other end of an anonymous post.

Please post more to help me in my compliance seminar. Thanks

I am Sales Director (with a JD) for a $400m plus laboratory that is certified by CMS as a compliance officer. I bet you didn't even know CMS offers certifications for compliance. I come on this site to see what is going on in the lab sales market. I learn a ton to help educate my W2 reps. You have no idea what you are talking about. As a matter of fact, at my next compliance meeting in August I will be using this "Pay" feed as an example of what not to do in sales and the sheer stupidity of the 1099 sales reps. Before you call someone uneducated, you need to know who is on the other end of an anonymous post.

Please post more to help me in my compliance seminar. Thanks


  • toxgod   Jul 11, 2019 at 10:58: PM
wanting to make more money is not a problem. Paying off doctors to move business from lab to lab is a problem. This is how 1099 reps keep business. If you were a legitimate rep you would find a quality lab, make your 150-200k per year, maybe even 250k in a good year, maybe become a seller and manager and get that up to 350K and be happy. That's not what you want. You want no risk, huge commissions and free time. You take the huge commissions, pay off the doctor and if you get caught the lab has to pay all the money back and you walk free. YOU ARE A SCUMBAG!

Did a 1099 rep take all your business? Because it sure sounds like they did lol

I am not hating. Tell me the reason a doctor would switch labs based on a sales rep if he is happy with his lab. What are the reasons? Are you such a great sales person that you can just convince a doctor to switch from lab to lab? I doubt it!

1099 reps shop there work from lab to lab to get the highest commission. I have no problem with this. But why does your client base keep switching with you? They move with you because you are paying them off some how. Whether that is cash, golf trips, game tickets, meals. Remember according to the OIG total remuneration is capped at $325 per practice, not per doctor. I will bet my entire company that everyone of you scumbag 1099 reps is exceeding this cap! All 1099 reps should be illegal! Also according to STARK and AKS these statutes outlaw all commission to any sales rep- marketing company, 1099 or W2 employee. However the OIG issued an exemption to this for W2 employees only. Technically 1099 & Marketing companies are already illegal. This is going to get sorted out soon. Until fuck-off!

Not a 1099 rep I'm a W2 but yes offices would switch labs based on a sales rep that they know and trust.
And is any office really totally happy with their lab?

Please record the seminar so we can hear your audience’s feedback.

I am Sales Director (with a JD) for a $400m plus laboratory that is certified by CMS as a compliance officer. I bet you didn't even know CMS offers certifications for compliance. I come on this site to see what is going on in the lab sales market. I learn a ton to help educate my W2 reps. You have no idea what you are talking about. As a matter of fact, at my next compliance meeting in August I will be using this "Pay" feed as an example of what not to do in sales and the sheer stupidity of the 1099 sales reps. Before you call someone uneducated, you need to know who is on the other end of an anonymous post.

Please post more to help me in my compliance seminar. Thanks

Not a 1099 rep I'm a W2 but yes offices would switch labs based on a sales rep that they know and trust.
And is any office really totally happy with their lab?

Yes offices are happy with their labs. I have over 1000 clients that are happy and have the CAP surveys to prove it. Average score of 4.89 on a scale of 1-5, 5 being the best. My lab controls the work, not the sales reps. That is why my labs is considered one of the best and your lab is probably going bankrupt.

Now if a client switches based on a sales rep, then either the lab sucks or the sales reps is kicking back. Don't pedal your BS with me you f*cking idiot. I have been in the lab industry for over 40 years. I have told doctors to go f*ck themselves and have reported them to CMS for soliciting kickbacks. I know the shit you sales assholes pull to get work and know what the doctors ask for. Go back to selling Cutco knives your f*cking amateur!

I love bitter sales reps who can't keep their business!!!
anyone who has been in medical sales for more than a week knows 80% of the reason someone uses a certain lab is based on relationships with the rep..... nothing to do with kick backs or payments. This could be because they are pretty, go to the same church, both like football. Doesn't matter w-2 or 1099, the relationship matters

sounds like a lot like people are bitter that they can not build relationships with providers and staff. This is a problem with you, not whether someone is 1099 or w-2

I love bitter sales reps who can't keep their business!!!
anyone who has been in medical sales for more than a week knows 80% of the reason someone uses a certain lab is based on relationships with the rep..... nothing to do with kick backs or payments. This could be because they are pretty, go to the same church, both like football. Doesn't matter w-2 or 1099, the relationship matters

sounds like a lot like people are bitter that they can not build relationships with providers and staff. This is a problem with you, not whether someone is 1099 or w-2

Agree! It's mainly about relationships. "They don't care what you know until they know that you care!"
It might be hard for some people to believe but there are many reps out there that get a lot of business without kickbacks but rather with good relationship selling of a good lab. Just because another rep is doing better than you don't think it has to be because of kickbacks.

Agree! It's mainly about relationships. "They don't care what you know until they know that you care!"
It might be hard for some people to believe but there are many reps out there that get a lot of business without kickbacks but rather with good relationship selling of a good lab. Just because another rep is doing better than you don't think it has to be because of kickbacks.

BS! If an account moves with a rep because they leave for another lab then one of two things happen and they are both related. One the lab they were with sucks, so why stay with that rep if the lab sucks. Two if they move with the rep and the lab they were with is good (like my lab), then why did they move. Relationship? Maybe? They move because the rep is exceeding the $375 per year per NPI#- tickets, food, dinners, xmas gifts, birthday gifts or anything else of value. Most reps suck. There are very few reps worth anything. If you are such a good rep and you move labs, take a lower pay, lower commission, prove you can move work and earn what you make. Instead all reps want high salary and high commission for working 2 days a week and then laying around there house making calls! Relationships my ass- more like payoffs!

BS! If an account moves with a rep because they leave for another lab then one of two things happen and they are both related. One the lab they were with sucks, so why stay with that rep if the lab sucks. Two if they move with the rep and the lab they were with is good (like my lab), then why did they move. Relationship? Maybe? They move because the rep is exceeding the $375 per year per NPI#- tickets, food, dinners, xmas gifts, birthday gifts or anything else of value. Most reps suck. There are very few reps worth anything. If you are such a good rep and you move labs, take a lower pay, lower commission, prove you can move work and earn what you make. Instead all reps want high salary and high commission for working 2 days a week and then laying around there house making calls! Relationships my ass- more like payoffs!

I call BS on the relationship crap too. Relationship gets you access and a chance to do business with an account. Clients switch labs or any vendor for that matter because there is something in it for them. It doesn't have to be a kickback or money or food or anything shady. It can simply be convenience, treating the patients right, TAT or whatever. But the rep has to bring value and so does the lab.....period. Relationships will get you nowhere if you are selling sh&t!

I call BS on the relationship crap too. Relationship gets you access and a chance to do business with an account. Clients switch labs or any vendor for that matter because there is something in it for them. It doesn't have to be a kickback or money or food or anything shady. It can simply be convenience, treating the patients right, TAT or whatever. But the rep has to bring value and so does the lab.....period. Relationships will get you nowhere if you are selling sh&t!

Agree. All you need is one simple advantage like TAT and a great relationship to get the business. You can do it without excessive lunches and presents. Many reps do.

Your company sucks. They are not fucking you they probably can't collect from insurers on your business. 1099 will not solve this. Why should your clients switch labs because you say so? Let me guess, you have a relationship with them and they trust you. What the fuck are you paying them to jump ship with you. 1099's are kickback artists, pure and simple. Find a legitimate lab that will pay you 8-10% commission and move on. You are laving because you want 20%. You my friend are a scumbag.

No l legit ab is paying 10%. You're stuck in the 2000's

I call BS on the relationship crap too. Relationship gets you access and a chance to do business with an account. Clients switch labs or any vendor for that matter because there is something in it for them. It doesn't have to be a kickback or money or food or anything shady. It can simply be convenience, treating the patients right, TAT or whatever. But the rep has to bring value and so does the lab.....period. Relationships will get you nowhere if you are selling sh&t!

You're a sorry sales rep if your clients don't follow you. I've sold alarm systems, advertising and lab. A good sales rep is one the client will TRUST. And they will follow you because people do business with people they TRUST!

Obviously, you can't close a door!