

I bring in over 1,000 specimens a month and make about 10k a month. I have been told by 1099s that I should be making 20-30k a month based off those specimens. Am I really getting screwed that bad?


I bring in over 1,000 specimens a month and make about 10k a month. I have been told by 1099s that I should be making 20-30k a month based off those specimens. Am I really getting screwed that bad?

Hard to say because I don't know what you sell. Based on the old reimbursement model in advanced diagnostics, commission was about 10K per 100 weekly samples. So you would be at about 25K per month. Unfortunately those days are gone. Now it's about half that due to lower reimbursements.

I bring in over 1,000 specimens a month and make about 10k a month. I have been told by 1099s that I should be making 20-30k a month based off those specimens. Am I really getting screwed that bad?

What type of specimens? Whats the payer mix? How are you compensated? Be a little more specific if you want a legitimate answer....

I do about 250-350 Infectious Disease (RPP, UTI, Nail) specimens monthly. Equates to roughly 30k in monthly commissions.

What type of specimens? Whats the payer mix? How are you compensated? Be a little more specific if you want a legitimate answer....

I do about 250-350 Infectious Disease (RPP, UTI, Nail) specimens monthly. Equates to roughly 30k in monthly commissions.

I do 1,000 urine specimens. 20% bluecross, 20% third party insurances, 30% medicare, 20 % medicaid. paid a tier bonus for hitting x amount of "billable" specimens and x amount for every billable specimen at that tier. For example, 4k tier bonus plus $7.50 for every specimen over 400 billable

It depends how big a scumbag you are are how much you are kicking back to your doctors. All 1099's sre crooks! Become a W2 employee, follow all compliance and make 150k per year and be happy. 1099's bring nothing to labs except compliance issues and never have to pay money back. That is left to the labs that get wrapped up in the 1099 scam. EKRA eliminates all 1099 and marketing companies anyway, so you should be making $0 due to EKRA!

It depends how big a scumbag you are are how much you are kicking back to your doctors. All 1099's sre crooks! Become a W2 employee, follow all compliance and make 150k per year and be happy. 1099's bring nothing to labs except compliance issues and never have to pay money back. That is left to the labs that get wrapped up in the 1099 scam. EKRA eliminates all 1099 and marketing companies anyway, so you should be making $0 due to EKRA!

you aren't necessarily wrong, but you forget that it has historically been the labs that wanted 1099 reps.
the labs have not been willing to invest in a rep salary/expenses for fear the rep wouldn't bring samples.
unless you offer the traditional W2 incentives and associated supervision, it becomes a sham W2 arrangement any way.

It depends how big a scumbag you are are how much you are kicking back to your doctors. All 1099's sre crooks! Become a W2 employee, follow all compliance and make 150k per year and be happy. 1099's bring nothing to labs except compliance issues and never have to pay money back. That is left to the labs that get wrapped up in the 1099 scam. EKRA eliminates all 1099 and marketing companies anyway, so you should be making $0 due to EKRA!

Lol, Tom from Supreme strikes again. Thought you lost all your reps?

  • toxgod   Jul 09, 2019 at 09:48: PM
It depends how big a scumbag you are are how much you are kicking back to your doctors. All 1099's sre crooks! Become a W2 employee, follow all compliance and make 150k per year and be happy. 1099's bring nothing to labs except compliance issues and never have to pay money back. That is left to the labs that get wrapped up in the 1099 scam. EKRA eliminates all 1099 and marketing companies anyway, so you should be making $0 due to EKRA!

My company is fucking me, they are the scumbags. I'm currently W2 and that's why i'm trying to switch all my business over to 1099

My company is fucking me, they are the scumbags. I'm currently W2 and that's why i'm trying to switch all my business over to 1099

Your company sucks. They are not fucking you they probably can't collect from insurers on your business. 1099 will not solve this. Why should your clients switch labs because you say so? Let me guess, you have a relationship with them and they trust you. What the fuck are you paying them to jump ship with you. 1099's are kickback artists, pure and simple. Find a legitimate lab that will pay you 8-10% commission and move on. You are laving because you want 20%. You my friend are a scumbag.

Your company sucks. They are not fucking you they probably can't collect from insurers on your business. 1099 will not solve this. Why should your clients switch labs because you say so? Let me guess, you have a relationship with them and they trust you. What the fuck are you paying them to jump ship with you. 1099's are kickback artists, pure and simple. Find a legitimate lab that will pay you 8-10% commission and move on. You are laving because you want 20%. You my friend are a scumbag.

Wanting to make more money makes me the scumbag??? yeah okay buddy

Wanting to make more money makes me the scumbag??? yeah okay buddy

wanting to make more money is not a problem. Paying off doctors to move business from lab to lab is a problem. This is how 1099 reps keep business. If you were a legitimate rep you would find a quality lab, make your 150-200k per year, maybe even 250k in a good year, maybe become a seller and manager and get that up to 350K and be happy. That's not what you want. You want no risk, huge commissions and free time. You take the huge commissions, pay off the doctor and if you get caught the lab has to pay all the money back and you walk free. YOU ARE A SCUMBAG!

wanting to make more money is not a problem. Paying off doctors to move business from lab to lab is a problem. This is how 1099 reps keep business. If you were a legitimate rep you would find a quality lab, make your 150-200k per year, maybe even 250k in a good year, maybe become a seller and manager and get that up to 350K and be happy. That's not what you want. You want no risk, huge commissions and free time. You take the huge commissions, pay off the doctor and if you get caught the lab has to pay all the money back and you walk free. YOU ARE A SCUMBAG!

Not all 1099s are as described. Wake up. Stop hating.