I think many assume the S3 role is for sales reps only. All HSC's are S3's earning near the 151k plus an average bonus of 36-40k. That is right, 187k minimum. Many are earning more than CTL's. This position is way too political and you have to know the top brass to be offered an assignment.
They are next in line to replace CTL's when job cuts occur. They basically do the following: MGAM-NAE stuff, MRL stuff, sales and marketing stuff and deal with reps, managers and directors all day long. Wait and see. Very quiet from the HSC's lately, something is a brewin.
I can see this....the HSCs are very in-tune with the science...more intense levels than any CTL I have ever met...CTLs are more like generalists, coordinators, organiziers, analysts,
presenters....more business minded...lighter in science.
I see HSCs differently....sort of like PharmD types even if they do not have those credentials. I wonder if DSCs have the business skills that CTLs have. Another question is could they deal with the hard-to-handle reps? Maybe not....