Always nice to hear from management. No mention was made of a good manager allowing turning in late reports, sloppy reports, violation of company policies, lack of working a full day or poor sales. You just made that up to made that up in a lame attempt to justify your comments. You still don't get it do you? If reps are happy and have confidence in their manager they will actually work better, more effectively, and will want to make their manager look great. In your case, however, I can safely say your reps hate you and your methods and don't put in the extra time and effort they would with another manager that they feel would have their back. You have a constant fear they are not doing what they should and always distrust them. Your fears are self fulfilling because you have created the atmosphere that makes these actions happen.

You'll keep managing the way you do because you are inflexible and lack the creativity to be able to do it right. Hopefully Genentech will rid itself of managers that sustain a culture like you create.

True, I will keep expecting my reps to follow corporate policies without fail, just as home office folks are expected to do. I will also continue to expect them t0 perform in a way that exceeds minimum standards. I will continue to encourage them to be successful, and hold them accountable when they slip. I will also continue to respect them, and value their perspectives. Yes, I will also demand that ALL paperwork be submitted on time, and that they control All controllables.

By the way, these are all things that my reps expect from me as well; my boss also expect these from me.

True, I will keep expecting my reps to follow corporate policies without fail, just as home office folks are expected to do. I will also continue to expect them t0 perform in a way that exceeds minimum standards. I will continue to encourage them to be successful, and hold them accountable when they slip. I will also continue to respect them, and value their perspectives. Yes, I will also demand that ALL paperwork be submitted on time, and that they control All controllables.

By the way, these are all things that my reps expect from me as well; my boss also expect these from me.

Good example of how too many pharma managers are hired to be "managers" instead of being leaders.

True, I will keep expecting my reps to follow corporate policies without fail, just as home office folks are expected to do. I will also continue to expect them t0 perform in a way that exceeds minimum standards. I will continue to encourage them to be successful, and hold them accountable when they slip. I will also continue to respect them, and value their perspectives. Yes, I will also demand that ALL paperwork be submitted on time, and that they control All controllables.

By the way, these are all things that my reps expect from me as well; my boss also expect these from me.

Why is middle management needed at all if this is all they do? Anyone, even a minimum wage employee can do this admin job as you describe it. It takes creativity and people skills to truely manage and motivate in a positive manner. Now go check your latest data to make sure your reps meet all their "metrics". Sheesh... the art of real management is lost if this is what it has come to.