Pay as good as they promise?

A good TM will get a handful of money hungry PSRs to act as unofficial "assistants" to do all the remedial tasks for them.. Such as doc collections, exceptions, patient visits/follow ups. Don't let corporate control your people and you'll be fine.

Are you saying the best reps treat their PSR's like Zoll employees?

Most of the successful regions have "unofficial" full-time PSRs. Those who rely completely on embedded PSRs are the reps who are banging their heads against the wall. If you have a young hungry PSR making a couple thousand dollars every pay they are always going to be there for you in a jam.

Most of the successful regions have "unofficial" full-time PSRs. Those who rely completely on embedded PSRs are the reps who are banging their heads against the wall. If you have a young hungry PSR making a couple thousand dollars every pay they are always going to be there for you in a jam.

Anyone else heard Zoll quietly capping those "unofficial full time" PSR's to avoid potential labor issues?

Anyone else heard Zoll quietly capping those "unofficial full time" PSR's to avoid potential labor issues?
Yes they got their ass handed to them on several occasions by labor boards. Inside is more concerned with control and cost. PSR could be $1 over the cap and they will not budge without a fight....all while the patient sits waiting in the hospital. Who do you think absorbs the additional bill? That's right the on top of the $10K bill for non-coverage, they also get hit with a hospital vig compliments of Zoll.

Yes the pay is good if you do the following: 1.) Find good PSR's and pay them (PSR pay and then pay out of your expense "bank". 2.) Pay physicians directly from expenses or a side spliff off commissions, work with your RM and this is easy to accomplish 3.) Have another source of income as you will only be working for 2-3 days a week. Myself, I have another medical job as well. Think about running a franchise, invest in yourself.

what is a PSR- someone who fits the vest or does the tm do this? do you get a good expense account for these hospitals? If you only get three hospitals who are your main selling targets- nurses cardiologists or both? where is the main call point you are selling to in the hospital- discharge? thanks

so that is how you can be a $1M+ over quota.....hmm. Hello DOJ

hummmm...I suspect that the sales model and growth expectations have caused some individuals to do this. I also suspect that some RSDs know about it, and have done nothing or turned the cheek. I think it would be interesting to see some of the RSDs, squirm when the DOJ and law suits start flying.

Actually, if your hours are crazy on weekends and holidays it is a good thing...It means your hospitals are actually ordering the vest and you have a chance to make a living, at leat for a year or two.
If you are an addict to the M-F 9-5 thing then med device is not for you. You get to make your own scheudle and that is a plus. You can achieve work/life balance but you need to be creative and make it happen.

Ha Ha. You must be a manager or very new to this company. In most companies you would be correct in stating that if you are busy working 16 hour days, holidays and weekends that it's a good thing as the hospitals are ordering the vest. The issue is your goal continues to skyrocket, so even though you're growing your business quickly it's just not fast enough to stay above the growth curve. Additionally, you underestimate the amount of time it takes to coordinate all efforts to actually get 1 patient in, stay on AND GET PAID for wearing the LV. Oh, grasshopper you have much to learn.