Pathwork Diagnostics?

The quality of the lab work done at Genoptix is second to none. PeteBob and Co. are another story and that will change for the better over the coming months as Novartis makes changes. To the last post---people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Bullshit. Yes you do good lab work so does about a dozen other labs. Plus they don't bill 20x medicare and run antibodies and markers that are not necessary.

Everyone on the street is betting that Novartis sells the commercial business with in twelve month!

Now he is doing conf calls with Clarient trying to get them to sell his one trick pony product because he cant do it on his own. Why didnt he go to his old friends at usl?

Now he is doing conf calls with Clarient trying to get them to sell his one trick pony product because he cant do it on his own. Why didnt he go to his old friends at usl?

As a former GE employee from an acquisition of the company that is now GE MOLECULAR....I sure hope your an insider at Patchworks and not a Clarient person.....but you probably are..
Be very careful. You now have an all seeing eye in you. Also if you are now networked to GE and are using a company issued are being watched....
No more porn. No more .........

Turnover at Genoptix since new management appeared has exceeded 25% (if you doubt the number, contact HR for confirmation). I assume it will settle down once new folks are integrated into the new culture. Tina & Sam are no longer actively involved in the hiring decisions as former.

As a former GE employee from an acquisition of the company that is now GE MOLECULAR....I sure hope your an insider at Patchworks and not a Clarient person.....but you probably are..
Be very careful. You now have an all seeing eye in you. Also if you are now networked to GE and are using a company issued are being watched....
No more porn. No more .........

Hey enough Pathworks stuff here.

Make your own board!! Stay off of ours...This is BOOORRRIINNGG!!!