Path Line

Heard these guys have been going around offering a HemeFish product.

Also bought Paradigm Labs, any truth? Heard Paradigm has a guy that supports Al Qiada working there.

they seem to have a very high turnover rate. Was contacted by a head hunter for a manager position. She slso did not know too much about the company but had no problem BS'ing me about it. I think it is a small start up may be gone by next year hense the high bailout rate some people bailed out after 7 months on job for greener pastures.

Look out Pathline/Emerge?Sam's Lab/Newmans Crooked Path co...Whatever your called...

CMS has their eyes on you as does the State...STARK STARK STARK!!!

Split up now or else !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hear these guys are starting to play the "Bioreference/GenPath" game in terms of trying to get business?

Anyone else hearing that. They are really putting the squeeze on in NJ.

They just took over the lab at the Hospital in New Rochelle, NY. Why they want that business is anybodies guess. I wonder what they are going to do when the Grandfather clause expires and they have to start billing back all the Pathology work to the hospitals?

Good thing I left the lab business and went back to pharma. These guys are grabbing up everything.

Message TO CBL, Bioreference, Labcorp, Quest Etc...



They are really swarming the Hudson Valley!!

Every Gray area deal we have done, they have gone more Gray!!

We Really need to fight back!!

(Copied from the CBL Thread)

Seeing them as Emerge in onc offices. Anyone have any dirt on them?

Are you seeing them a lot...what area???

Here is some info:

Well, if you are in the Hudson Valley, the Pathologists are buddies with the Oncologists. They all work for the same hospital networks. It is a scam. They give EMR's etc. in NY which is not approved... They also have captured the business in many hospitals by convincing and conniving the CEO to pull out the lab and send all the Path to their core labs. The lab is second rate. But, they are local. I had them try and hit hard in CT where I work, but they have been laughed out of the state. You should see the quality of their slides....Yeesh...

There is dirt; it just has to be found. They also do "saturation biopsies" for their clients...Money to be made.

Former Genpath guys run them...they are called Pathline in the hospital market. The Genpath guys know a lot of doctors (Oncs, GI, GU, Oral, Pediatrics) and are trying to convert them. From what I can tell they tell the insurers the work is being done in one of their hospitals that are covered by the particular insurer, since the "Core Lab" really has very little coverage. They will get theirs one day...

Wonder how they will survive when the hospitals will have to be billed by the labs directly and pay for the work out of their DRG's. Won't make much sense...hence their big push into Oncology offices.....

I'm seeing Emerge lab boxes everywhere

They are just dropping boxes wherever they visit. Most of these boxes are replacing the boxes the local hospital labs had left years ago. Remember these guys are now the "hospital pathology lab"

They. We'd to do this to survive because July 1st,2012 will be the beginning of the end of their Pathline business (hospital).

I'm seeing Emerge lab boxes everywhere

They are just dropping boxes wherever they visit. Most of these boxes are replacing the boxes the local hospital labs had left years ago. Remember these guys are now the "hospital pathology lab"

They need to do this to survive because July 1st,2012 will be the beginning of the end of their Pathline business (hospital).

How are you guys going to survive?

I just heard you will have to bill back the Technical component of all your Medicare Patients to the hospitals. I believe you took all of the Pathology work OUT-OF the hospitals and centralized it in NJ somehere.

Just curious? Have you told all the hospitals this? Or have you figured out a way to "get around" the law?? wink wink, nudge nudge :)

Even the commercila labs like Neogenomics etc are pushing press releases that they are concerned.

Just asking???