Path-Inc Purchase?


Heard rumors that we're in the final talks to purchase Path-Inc based out of Torrance, Ca.
Don't let their sales numbers fool you. Another shady lab that plays dirty. (i.e. providing speculums, spiral brushes, IOP's, etc...) Once we make the purchase the OB's will switch back to another lab that provides that same stuff. We were purchased two years ago and look how many of those accounts are still around? Not too many. Corporate needs to take a look at how Path-Inc got those sales numbers before any decisions are made. Another foolish purchased by LCA. Catch a whiff corporate...this one smells.

Whoa. Don't hate like you have the moral high ground. This is most excellent news. So will Torrance merge with Monrovia or will Monrovia merge with Torrance. After all, he pathologist/management team there is outstanding and that's the actual draw for the clients....THE EXCELLENT SERVICE.. Good move.

Whoa. Don't hate like you have the moral high ground. This is most excellent news. So will Torrance merge with Monrovia or will Monrovia merge with Torranc? After all, the pathologist/management team there is outstanding and that's the actual draw for the clients....THE EXCELLENT SERVICE.. Great move.

Whoa. Don't hate like you have the moral high ground. This is most excellent news. So will Torrance merge with Monrovia or will Monrovia merge with Torranc? After all, the pathologist/management team there is outstanding and that's the actual draw for the clients....THE EXCELLENT SERVICE.. Great move.

Btw, 'there" refers to Path Inc in Torrance.

Go back to your little cubicle and microscope lab rat. The only reason Path---------Inc
has sales is because they're shady. How's Monrovia treating you? Still some cheese in the conference room?

Go back to your little cubicle and microscope lab rat. The only reason Path---------Inc
has sales is because they're shady. How's Monrovia treating you? Still some cheese in the conference room?

Monrovia??? You have to be kidding.Sounds like the only one who is worrying about cheese is you. Who do you think you are fooling, anyway? Why do you care who Lab Corp buys? They obviously don't care what you think nor need your approval, your nastiness.That's way over your pay grade. Now you get to work ( you know, what you were paid to do)and bring in some business. Stop making up excuses, you slacker. If you really want to know what happens to acquired business, do it the scientific way and ask the fleeing clients why they are leaving and where to. You mihgt get some surprises. The anwsers are clear and obvious to everyone but you.

Go back to your little cubicle and microscope lab rat. The only reason Path---------Inc
has sales is because they're shady. How's Monrovia treating you? Still some cheese in the conference room?

Monrovia??? You have to be kidding.Sounds like the only one who is worrying about cheese is you. Who do you think you are fooling, anyway? Why do you care who Lab Corp buys? They obviously don't care what you think nor need your approval, your nastiness.That's way over your pay grade. Now you get to work ( you know, what you were paid to do)and bring in some business. Stop making up excuses, you slacker. If you really want to know what happens to acquired business, do it the scientific way and ask the fleeing clients why they are leaving and where to. You might
get some surprises. The anwsers are clear and obvious to everyone but you.

Go back to your little cubicle and microscope lab rat. The only reason Path---------Inc
has sales is because they're shady. How's Monrovia treating you? Still some cheese in the conference room?

Poor babe in the woods. You haven't figured out that LCA is not in business for laboratory medicine. Ask Wall Street.

Another DIANON mistake...

Very bad analogy. Dianon was a great a/p lab. That stood on its own for a long stretch. It was purchased for its technology and to fulfill a competitive void. PathInc was a crappy little lab run by a pathologist with a bad reputation in the CA marketplace, which was then taken over by a few that made some hastily and sloppy cosmetic changes with the sole intent from the very beginning to 'flip it.'

This is exactly what is going to happen and who else but labcorp dumb enough to take the bait? Pathinc's foundation is cracked, with paint over black mold and will be a money pit for labcorp. They will be purchased in a desperate attempt to find a way to get some top-line revenue. Absolutely no similarity with the Dianon purchase.

Very bad analogy. Dianon was a great a/p lab. That stood on its own for a long stretch. It was purchased for its technology and to fulfill a competitive void. PathInc was a crappy little lab run by a pathologist with a bad reputation in the CA marketplace, which was then taken over by a few that made some hastily and sloppy cosmetic changes with the sole intent from the very beginning to 'flip it.'

This is exactly what is going to happen and who else but labcorp dumb enough to take the bait? Pathinc's foundation is cracked, with paint over black mold and will be a money pit for labcorp. They will be purchased in a desperate attempt to find a way to get some top-line revenue. Absolutely no similarity with the Dianon purchase.

Slanderous liar.You are either a liar or you don't know what you are talking about. The pathologist who owned the lab is well known throughout California. Bio Diagnostics Laboraories was a full service lab, doing both clinical and A/P testing.He and his friends started it from scratch. In the year 2000. Lab Corp purchased the clinical side of Bio Diagnostics. The pathologists refused to sell the anatomical pathology part of the business to Lab Corp. and changed the name from Bio Diagnostics to Path Inc. In fact, Lab Corp shared the same lab space and address with Path Inc. A few years ago, the Pathologist sold Path Inc to investors and Lab Corp responded by ending their relationship, closing the Torrance Lab that they shared and relocating some of the techs to the Monrovia lab. In fact, I got from a very good authority that 3 of the managers at Monrovia, the lab manager, cyto supvr and the stat lab manager worked with this pathology group in Torrance.. So what the hell are you referring to and why do you care? Labcorp finally gets what it wanted.

So what is it that you are really afraid of.

Very bad analogy. Dianon was a great a/p lab. That stood on its own for a long stretch. It was purchased for its technology and to fulfill a competitive void. PathInc was a crappy little lab run by a pathologist with a bad reputation in the CA marketplace, which was then taken over by a few that made some hastily and sloppy cosmetic changes with the sole intent from the very beginning to 'flip it.'

This is exactly what is going to happen and who else but labcorp dumb enough to take the bait? Pathinc's foundation is cracked, with paint over black mold and will be a money pit for labcorp. They will be purchased in a desperate attempt to find a way to get some top-line revenue. Absolutely no similarity with the Dianon purchase.

You really should get your story straight before you start to bad mouth the good doctor. Do you know he was president of the California Society of Pathologists? Post #18 had it right.

Oh really? Who's in charge of this purchase? Does he/she know that Path Inc.'s sales numbers would be less than half of what they are if LC/Quest could provide the same illegal perks? Does NC know of this? If not, why not? Who cares if your pathology friend is a CAP board member. It doesn't take away from their dirty Sanchez deeds.