Par gets fined $45 million

This quote sums up everything I need to know about a sales rep - strive to be a whistleblower. Why work hard when you can be a rat and skate off the govn't? Par has a constitutionally protected right to disseminate truthful information about its products to all physicians and patients, regardless of specialty. FDA/DOJ are completely over-reaching on off label promotion and they use these lawsuits to extort money from corporations. They threaten to charge the company's executives personally if the corporate entity doesn't pay a huge fine, so the CEO's have no choice but to cut a deal. I am saddened that Par dropped its law suit against FDA as part of the settlement. The government needs to be exposed for the hypocritical vultures that they are.

PAR dropped their suit because they had no leg to stand on. Do you think they would pay $45M and accept those sanctions if they thought they were innocent? I agree we all want the "easy way out", but we also knew what we were doing was "off label". I don't know if I would've had the "testicular fortitude" to be a whistleblower.

Did RP get it? Is it true? Theres only a few of us left. Lets just have a confre call and get the sh.. out in the open! Things will be much better going forward. We that are left have a loyalty or aptitude for pain. I am so comfortable doing what I do and continue to do for these guys for so long. I wont leave till they tellme to go. What can I say, I have been faithful and loyal as a sales rep! I have never posted on here and have done VERY VERY VERY well at this company. Can I get a grain of truth from someone???? Or is this catfish? CMA!

I agree too! I couldn't give up this gig as I have a full time position with another credible organization. Par has given me so much in terms of cash, money, trips, our brand new vacation home, etc all for just punching in a few fake calls a week while working at my "real" gig. I have been taking a group of doctors golfing once a month for the last 9 months and expense it underneath the name of the course which happens to be a restaurant name. I have never turned in an itemized receipt and no one has ever questioned me!
This company, its checks and balances, its midlevel and upper management are complete jokes of this industry. In the meantime, thanks for the "incentives"!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree too! I couldn't give up this gig as I have a full time position with another credible organization. Par has given me so much in terms of cash, money, trips, our brand new vacation home, etc all for just punching in a few fake calls a week while working at my "real" gig. I have been taking a group of doctors golfing once a month for the last 9 months and expense it underneath the name of the course which happens to be a restaurant name. I have never turned in an itemized receipt and no one has ever questioned me!
This company, its checks and balances, its midlevel and upper management are complete jokes of this industry. In the meantime, thanks for the "incentives"!!!!!!!!!!!

You'er so full of shit. With these shit products its imposible to make your number without working your territory. Sure we all throw in a couple of fake sigs but you still need to work your writers. Take that bullshit story to another campany page. You definitely dont work here.

You'er so full of shit. With these shit products its imposible to make your number without working your territory. Sure we all throw in a couple of fake sigs but you still need to work your writers. Take that bullshit story to another campany page. You definitely dont work here.

You and I both know you only need 5 good doctors to hit goals (golf outings work great). Sure, this new BS product Megace threw me a challenge but it was rocking it before I started to carry it. I won't get into how I make numbers in this company but I do. You should try it. At least I know my days are numbered unlike "someothers". Doesn't matter I have an actual real job to fall back on! Have a great weekend.

You and I both know you only need 5 good doctors to hit goals (golf outings work great). Sure, this new BS product Megace threw me a challenge but it was rocking it before I started to carry it. I won't get into how I make numbers in this company but I do. You should try it. At least I know my days are numbered unlike "someothers". Doesn't matter I have an actual real job to fall back on! Have a great weekend.

New product Megace! its been out for 7 years you moron. Nice try.

JM, RP, and NG should all have gone to jail for this. It was criminal behaviour, promoting a drug off-label, and collecting government money, not to mention their profound lack of professionalism, and the lack of respect they had for people. NG walked away with a huge settlement from Par for threatening to not cooperate with the investigation. Wondering who they are torturing now? Saw NG is a President at J& J? What lack of judgment on their part.

Rick Painter never learns. He’s been doing unethical and illegal things his entire working life, from Glaxo, to BoronLepore, and beyond. And yes, he’s been helped by Pat Lepore all along the way. There are plenty other of Painter’s buddies who operate the same way he does. It is amazing how he‘s able to continue. Jim Shaffer, Chuck Bramlage, Wes Wheeler, Tim Tyson. All cut from the same cloth.

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