Pack your bags Poggs

When does this con artist sit down with Scott or Andrew for a review of his performance??? Poggs you SUCK! Go back to selling copiers or used cars your the worst thing that has happened to this company! YOU SUCK!!!!!!!

I'm sticking around to watch what happens to Poggs when the investors see how our volume drops down below 300 in manhattan. Although he may be able to save us with that derm account he just brought on I hear they are really profitable!! Ha ha FU Poggs!!!

Pogss salary 200k ++?
Crm cost 100k ++?
Company loss since Poggs has been here -400k + ?
The look on Anthony's face in the board meeting with the investors next month!! Pricele$$
What have you done since you've been here except blow a gigantic cloud of smoke up Bill's butt!

Does anyone know a good Podiatrist or Dentist? I hear that's our new market we will be targeting, according to Poggs there's a lot of money to be made in those office! I hear we are going to start doing Stat Testing in Boston as well I can't wait.