Anyone been told their fate yet? How is it looking out there?
Northwest here. On EPBU but territory is quite large. But glad to still have a job.
Not good news. Sounds like cuts are going to be deep. Just found out I wasn't retained.
Not good news. Sounds like cuts are going to be deep. Just found out I wasn't retained.
I'm in the west too. Last day in the field 9-23, last day 9-30. I am very surprised how deep the cuts were. Be prepared.
It seems to be about 25% cut, a few actual territory changes, have yet to hear of anyone being kept in current PC role.....and that EPBU opportunity seems to be good through Q1 2012...after that...more cuts...industry is on the decline, unless you're in a real Specialty position (like Oncology). Logically speaking, why have an EPBU when providers can request samples, co-pay cards (with their 2% redemption rate), and medical inquires, etc. all with the push of a button on-line? Furthermore, why have any PC reps at all, access is a joke, generics will be written first line 99% of the time, and those that actually still accept samples and co-pay cards can use the website to receive them. Everyone knows that samples are hardly used to start new pts. on a med, they are given out to pts. who for whatever reason cannot afford their scripts (or more likely to friends and family). PC docs are incentivized to write generic by the Hospital Group that "owns" them, if that doesn't work than it's on to a specialist (and possibly a branded script!!!!!) I’m safe but have literally put out 10 resumes waiting to hear from my manager today….none in pharma…..
I don't know about the rest of the country but I think 25 % is low. In my area nearly everyone was let go.
I agree. I was let go, west coast. Sounds like a lot of layoffs in my area as well. Pfizer sucks!
We were totally lied to! Our entire group was cut today after all of those uplifting promising conference calls. We don't appreciate being lied to Christine.