P I P Ambush !


I am hearing talk from various regions that many reps are being placed on PIP's. We just lost a good rep in the West because she was placed on a PIP and decided to accept a competitors offer.Now there are rumors of solid reps in all sections of the country being subjected to biased PIP placement. Any rep placed on a PIP is on it because some idiot manager was told to get rid of some one not liked by our acting Companion Animal boss. Do we have any RM's that can stand up for their reps? With the RM team that Bird woman has been assembling it is obvious that the main attributes for receiving the job is saying yes to anything she wants and knowing less than her about our business. The fact that you could consume a couple of liters of wine in one sitting would give an RM candidate extra points.

Tell us what you know from your region. I think this PIP blitz is an orchestrated effort to reduce head count. They did not save enough pay roll money with our inflated Activyl quota so now they will begin to eliminate positions with bogus PIP's.

what rep left in the west? I was put on a pip a while back and I got the hell out of there. The tasks that the mgr makes you do are ridiculous. I would be interested to know who left.

Not surprised. RM loves to use PIPs to get rid of anyone who is smarter than she is. A word to the wise....put everything involved in the PIP process in writing -- document, document, document... And ask that someone from the lame HR department be involved in every discussion either in person or by conference call. They will tell you that it's not necessary, but insist anyway. And get copies of all you performance reviews for at least the last 5 years. The documentation will come in handy in case you need to get an employment lawyer involved.

Not surprised. RM loves to use PIPs to get rid of anyone who is smarter than she is. A word to the wise....put everything involved in the PIP process in writing -- document, document, document... And ask that someone from the lame HR department be involved in every discussion either in person or by conference call. They will tell you that it's not necessary, but insist anyway. And get copies of all you performance reviews for at least the last 5 years. The documentation will come in handy in case you need to get an employment lawyer involved.
Good advice. if RM wants every one smarter than she gone then we will have a minuscule sales force. All the regional managers are safe. If put on a PIP after previously good reviews contact an employment lawyer immediately and notify HR that you are represented. Good luck. We are all vulnerable.

I was told that there is a rep that Robin hated and tried to fire. The story goes that the person hired an attorney and Robin couldn't fire the person. Any truth to the rumor and if so who is the person?

IF you do get a lawyer you will not get your severance which is about 6 months. Of course, if you think you have a case you can get much more than that. I had good numbers and the HR person even asked the manager are you sure you want to fire this person the numbers are good. Keep HR involved and let them know you have a lawyer.

Just whe I think morale can not get any lower it does. Is it Deluca or Delusional? How can a person that projects himself as a leader allow an obvious incompetent such as RM to destroy our sales force?

Agree -- ask an attorney that you know and they can refer you to one. They are a specialty so make sure that you get an employment attorney located in your state, as some laws vary by state.

There are attorneys that say they do employment law. You need one that does employment-discrimination law exclusively. As previously stated it must be a Plaintiff employment attorney.

A heads up to top management. If the company chat board is sharing ideas on how to retain competent labor attorneys you have major issues with your sales management people.

The female rep was in Texas. She was supposed to work a meeting in Houston, and went temporarily missing. Rep didn't have a good excuse for her absence. It was thought she might have been picked up for DWI but no evidence was found of her being booked. Robin had a hard-on for getting this rep canned after she felt she was lied to or her excuse/lack of excuse.
Hired a P.I. to tail her and dig dirt.

That is what I heard from the people involved with the scenario.

The female rep was in Texas. She was supposed to work a meeting in Houston, and went temporarily missing. Rep didn't have a good excuse for her absence. It was thought she might have been picked up for DWI but no evidence was found of her being booked. Robin had a hard-on for getting this rep canned after she felt she was lied to or her excuse/lack of excuse.
Hired a P.I. to tail her and dig dirt.

That is what I heard from the people involved with the scenario.

Disturbing but believable. The current management mindset is that all reps are criminals and management are the police. To have some one lose their livihood over a suspicion is unethical and illegal. Watch your back and understand that your manager is not your advocate or friend.