Congrats to Memet Walker for 121 P Club!!
Incredible ! We need more like Walker.
Congrats to Memet Walker for 121 P Club!!
agree!This is the lamest thread. Who gives a shit if you win p club?! I have 10 career wins under my belt, not posting that anywhere except on my resume which has been updated so I can get out of this shit hole of a company.
As a former Shire rep who left over 10 years ago and finally got smart and started up my own company what I think is so funny is the manager who posted about being an award winner and how so many of their reps were winners too. Come on, we all know what happened, all of the reps in one district or region don't just get better because of a manager. The only reason why you have a sudden influx of award winners is that one area got some big formulary win that others did not or the formulary win was of particular importance to that area because they had a higher percentage of that insurance. No manager takes a loser and converts them into a P club rep. You could take away all the money in the world from every person and spread it out evenly and before you know it over 80% of the people who had money before will have it again and those with very little will have nothing again about 80% of the time. You just can't get away from the 80/20 rule.
Congrats to Memet Walker for 121 P Club!!
There is a guy on Facebook who brags constantly about being a supervisor and how he wears GQ suits to work. He is a big guy who is constantly posting photos of his fattening dinners at chain restaurants like iHop, On the Border, and Olive Garden. He checks into a waxing salon on a regular basis too. So things could be worse if drug reps got fat and started behaving like this guy.
The only thing LAME is your Mydayis weeklies. LOSER!
Where can I meet this GQ suit wearing, chain restaurant eating, smoothly waxed man? He sounds like a hottie!!! Is he a DM?
You should post it on LII lived in Africa when I was young and you should be really impressed.
As a former Shire rep who left over 10 years ago and finally got smart and started up my own company what I think is so funny is the manager who posted about being an award winner and how so many of their reps were winners too. Come on, we all know what happened, all of the reps in one district or region don't just get better because of a manager. The only reason why you have a sudden influx of award winners is that one area got some big formulary win that others did not or the formulary win was of particular importance to that area because they had a higher percentage of that insurance. No manager takes a loser and converts them into a P club rep. You could take away all the money in the world from every person and spread it out evenly and before you know it over 80% of the people who had money before will have it again and those with very little will have nothing again about 80% of the time. You just can't get away from the 80/20 rule.
I know this guy too. He’s one of those people who is only famous on social media but it’s hard to figure out why. It’s weird to see an obese 50 year old post about his outfits and his waxing appointments. Every week you see his photos of meals at On the Border or some cheap Chinese chain. And you never see him post about a healthy meal or activity. I don’t think he is famous on LinkedIn. I’d rather see a drug rep post on LinkedIn about an accomplishment than read about this bozo’s non-accomplishments.I know who this guy is and I doubt you would want to be with him. He brags on Facebook about his mediocre achievements of getting promoted to a supervisor while working an hourly job. Then he brags about how much money he makes working overtime. And then he goes out and buys mid-priced suits and posts Facebook selfies in them before leaving for work using silly hashtags. Then after work he posts photos on Facebook of the mid-priced chain restaurant fattening food he is eating — like Red Lobster, Pizza Hut, and Olive Garden. Not sure why he feels the need to tell the world about his waxing appointments.
Even an average drug rep has a better achievements to post on LinkedIn than this guy posts to Facebook.
I lived in Africa when I was young and you should be really impressed.
I've never seen the hemophilia guys post. ClassyHeadquarters/senior leadership recognizes that the only people who post on this board are NBU and OBU. Both divisions are the underperforming and "primary care" divisions of the company. I'm just giving a glimpse of what is being discussed internally.
Sure cupcake. We all believe you are an insider, let alone who is posting. Having said that, only an HQ buttlicker would be stupid enough to think CP would breach anonymity.Headquarters/senior leadership recognizes that the only people who post on this board are NBU and OBU. Both divisions are the underperforming and "primary care" divisions of the company. I'm just giving a glimpse of what is being discussed internally.