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Ozurdex - retina specialists

One of my docs told me that she would rather invest in a perpetual motion machine than bring this into her office. She is really afraid of reimbursement as she has gotten burned before on things that had much less expensive alternatives by her local providers (slow/no pay). She is referring to simple steroids subconj or intravit. She said she felt this had been done to her to understand the point of keeping things as inexpensive as possible.

This lady doc sounds like an uneducated idiot. Really! Hire an above minimum wage billing/coding specialist and the rabbit will come from the hat - reimbursement is not really an issue with this drug unless used off label.

This lady doc sounds like an uneducated idiot. Really! Hire an above minimum wage billing/coding specialist and the rabbit will come from the hat - reimbursement is not really an issue with this drug unless used off label.

If anyone thinks they the Rep can control the choices anyone makes at the insurance/reimbursement level they are kidding themselves. These choices are made not giving a rat's ass what anyone thinks ! It's all about cost the cheaper the better these companies are all about making profits not helping you !

If anyone thinks they the Rep can control the choices anyone makes at the insurance/reimbursement level they are kidding themselves. These choices are made not giving a rat's ass what anyone thinks ! It's all about cost the cheaper the better these companies are all about making profits not helping you !

The docs don't want to spend or have one more dollar in the reimbursement lottery than they have to. Many of them got burned with Lucentis (slow/no pay) or told directly by HMO's: Do Not Use; go cheap; they haven't forgotten these lessons as there are very inexpensive steroids about for these indications vs. O$uredex.

The issues are systemic. If you don't know what that means, then look it up or you don't belong in the business.

Sales of this product are high in areas that have early penetration due to corporate relationships, followed by sales management covering open geographies.

The product is a dog. So much, the AGN Ophthalmic division spun the Retina business off into a different business division. I won't respond to the super-sales-guy who says he's blowing out his quota. No one is blowing out the quota. And, AGN Retina has been doing funny math. Both Regional Directors didn't make quota, but Upper MGt. did. Something smells funny in Denmark.

I'm sorry, Puerto Rico and Kaiser don't make up the difference. I think Obama's accountants have been hired by the guy from Korea...or somewhere overthere. Oh, yeah. Exactly when do you retire? How long have you been with the company? Go ahead, tell everyone what it was worth for you to take the deal.

Thank the "little people" for giving up your Presidents Club trip. Bravo!!

Why would you ask such a rookie question about company car choices?

Maybe he/she is a rookie. If they knew the answer, they would not ask the question. Rather than bust their chops, why not provide the info they requested. That's sort of the purpose of these boards. I not in the know on cars or I would try to help.

Would any existing or former sales reps for Ozurdex be willing to talk over the phone? I am working on a new device (not related to ophthalmology) and wanted to pick someones brains. Shoot me an email if you're willing to chat for a few minutes, I'd sure appreciate it.



email: benbitter@yahoo.com

Maybe he/she is a rookie. If they knew the answer, they would not ask the question. Rather than bust their chops, why not provide the info they requested. That's sort of the purpose of these boards. I not in the know on cars or I would try to help.

Oh, please. Go back to selling rental cars. This is such a rookie mistake. If that is the deal breaker, then neither one of you belong in pharma sales. Especially Allergan Retina.

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