Over a dozen law firms now after Nuvasive

Why did Nuvasive put on their Twitter Feed that 10% of the US population has 6 lower vertebrae?

Did they get served evidence those few people with 6 lower vertebrae have a higher XLIF failure rate?

I seriously doubt 10% of the US population has 6 lower vertebrae. Only the children of military who got messed up with Agent Orange (dioxins) and were born with many birth defects (bad DNA).

Well that's interesting...the 510k clearance letter for the new "coroent XL-f" says:

""This device does not contain software or electrical equipment.""

Did the Coroent XL contain electrical equipment??....rfid anyone?

Heh is that what created heat causing a bakelite plastic smell to leach from the product into patients..poisoning them?? Justa theory..San Diego's crazy like that.....money money money...