I was in the same boat in 2008. My manager picked on all the women in our district and put us all on PIP's. I knew if there was a downsizing, I would be gone especially since i was 56 at the time. Fortunately, I am an RN and found a position at my local hospital that was non-patient care. From there, I marketed Hospice. Finally, I got a position as a nurse educator with a pharma company at the age of 59 and I am making great money again.
Nursing did not seem to matter very much to pharma companies in the past, but now they are utilizing RN's for injection and disease state training. Some of these positions have patient contact and some do not. I know nursing is not for everyone, but in my case, it has served me well in all my positions and I left nursing in 1981. It is never too late if you have the drive and means to attend nursing school. My sister is 50 years old, laid off from medical sales, and is attending nursing school.