I am not feeling sorry for myself, I just need to vent and maybe find out I am not alone here. I was laid off after 15 years in pharma. I am almost 55 and have only gotten 2 F2F interviews in an entire year. I am not a Presidents Club winner but had solid numbers and numerous awards. I don't look my age...I'm attractive, fit, energetic and friendly. But when I walk into an interview, I can tell by the interviewer's face that this is going nowhere. The interviewer makes less and less eye contact as the conversation continues, and the writing is on the wall. At my last interview, I produced my brag book, which the recruiter told me to bring, and he basically said, "Keep it." Did not even open it, which made me feel awful. I can't even get an interview for a part time merchandising job! I never thought I would feel age discrimination but boy, is it ever out there! I was the primary breadwinner in the family and I seriously think we will lose our house if I cannot find a decent job. I would even take two part time jobs, but I cannot even get an interview for one. When my unemployment runs out, I am really going to be in a bind. Is there any company out there who actually VALUES a mature sales rep? I almost feel these hiring managers laughing under their breath as they talk to me. They are very patronizing. Thoughts?