A company that was once an industry leader has become a joke because of the internal network/friendships/ good old boy network. Remember when TZ was drunk at the NSM and said “ AH, we werent even thinking of him bc he could never sell” ( everybody busted out laughing in agreement). More honest words have never been spoken. We are here bc we promote based off the wrong criteria. BB and HG now lead Account Managers? Why? Great guys but not deserving. Another rushed decision. GC and BM 2 unproven people who are hated and never landed a large global account.
The industry has tanked but we certainly have not positioned ourselves for any kind of success. Anxious to hear the motivational speech and vision by Greg in Dallas.
When Greg gives his cheerleading speech, don't forget to ask about his prior stint at MLS..Build a molecular lab and never deliver the cases...He is back at MLS because of the internal network/friendships/good old boy network in the about post. Accept it and continue to sell or move on...Beating a dead horse about the transformation of this company.