Our "unique" culture

Put your mask on, wash your hands, social distance and do your job. Sounds like you, like many other reps, have taken advantage of the company's compassion and generosity. You collect a large paycheck and bonus for working a handful of hours a week. You should be leaving your house everyday at 8am getting back home at 5pm. If you can't see your normal customers, prospect and find new ones. Try to talk with someone who can actually write a prescription, not pharmacists or office staff.

Put your mask on, wash your hands, social distance and do your job. Sounds like you, like many other reps, have taken advantage of the company's compassion and generosity. You collect a large paycheck and bonus for working a handful of hours a week. You should be leaving your house everyday at 8am getting back home at 5pm. If you can't see your normal customers, prospect and find new ones. Try to talk with someone who can actually write a prescription, not pharmacists or office staff.

Said the overpaid manager who has approved expenses for a year and lingered like a goon in offices. Well said.

Try the 1 - 2 of convincing docs that TD is the medical establishment's fault. Follow through making them heros by at least trying to give the afflicted back the dignity of controling their own body

When you speak honestly, how often does your management retaliate against you?

Know anyone who's left because they concluded the organization would never meet their expectations for integrity and/or accountability?

Know anyone who's been shown the door because they wouldn't drink the Kool-Aid?

What kind of a shit show company has a CEO that sends out letters and/or makes phone calls to prescribers NOT Rx’ing your disaster product and is using the competitor instead??? Towing a dangerous line there big Gorman. You look desperate and pathetic!! Have you nothing to do??? Hahahaha what a joke.

our unique culture of 2 cell phones (keep the illegal questionable stuff on your personal cell), off indication sales direction, tons of no-show virtual speaker programs so the speaker gets paid. unique for sure.

2 providers in my area got a direct phone call from your slimy CEO trying to project himself as being a resource to the provider during this "difficult" time but really he was trying to uncover why they don't write your product. It reeks of desperation and very self serving during this "difficult" time. That is your culture, slimy sales tactics and not a genuine approach to help patients, only to help yourself.

2 providers in my area got a direct phone call from your slimy CEO trying to project himself as being a resource to the provider during this "difficult" time but really he was trying to uncover why they don't write your product. It reeks of desperation and very self serving during this "difficult" time. That is your culture, slimy sales tactics and not a genuine approach to help patients, only to help yourself.

I'm a NP in a fairly busy psych practice and we have heard the same thing with your company's slimmy ways. This is exactly why all of our new TD starts are going to our Teva rep who brings us great information on Austedo, plus we like her better than your creepy rep.

KG better watch his back. The lawsuits are brewing ... whistleblower suits on the horizon ...managers pushing off label promotion ... directed from the top down.. enough is enough. This all started pre-pandemic. Pushing for Tourette’s business. HD business where we have no indication. Get your checkbook ready!

KG better watch his back. The lawsuits are brewing ... whistleblower suits on the horizon ...managers pushing off label promotion ... directed from the top down.. enough is enough. This all started pre-pandemic. Pushing for Tourette’s business. HD business where we have no indication. Get your checkbook ready!

We all make damn sure you guys are known by the providers to be the massive liars that you are. I have regular conversations with my providers that tell me the crazy lies you tell about our drug. We also let them know the crazy claims you guys make about your own drug. The providers tell us what you say.

When people are incompetent in the strategies they adopt to achieve success and satisfaction, they suffer a dual burden: Not only do they reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the ability to realize it.

Pull the trigger Neurocrine. Mandate vaccines in order for employment. If your employees don’t believe in science, the cdc and the fda…clean them out. They shouldn’t even be working in this field. There is no talking sense anymore, you have to drop the hammer.