Our Sales Leader

Is there anyone else who thinks this describes our leader KK? As I see her in action and hear from my ZD & RD about her I'm beginning to believe she suffers from this.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) - is a Cluster B personality disorder in which a person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and to others in the process.

Boom! Nails her pretty well don't you think?

I bet she even beat Robin's 34 on Dr. Pinskey's test

Is there anyone else who thinks this describes our leader KK? As I see her in action and hear from my ZD & RD about her I'm beginning to believe she suffers from this.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) - is a Cluster B personality disorder in which a person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and to others in the process.

Boom! Nails her pretty well don't you think?

You just described my RD. Too funny

She inspires all female reps to be the best of the achievers at Shire!

She must be encouraging some real catfights. Lord knows she'll step on anyones throat to get what she wants. I'm sure her family is real proud of what a success she has become. If they only knew what people really think about her or her methods. Oh well, shes the one who has to sleep at night but then again she never sleeps. Hmmmm

This woman is a complete dope and has managed to kill an entire sales force that was high performing long before she ever got here. Nice job Kathy! You earned the title as the craziest and worse leader in the history of pharma. If Perry ever cuts you off from his hind teet you'll be forced into a much needed career change. Like, maybe an admin assistant since you love that type of busywork and leading people is "just not your thing"

This woman is a complete dope and has managed to kill an entire sales force that was high performing long before she ever got here. Nice job Kathy! You earned the title as the craziest and worse leader in the history of pharma. If Perry ever cuts you off from his hind teet you'll be forced into a much needed career change. Like, maybe an admin assistant since you love that type of busywork and leading people is "just not your thing"

Sorry you are a pig loser! Kobe is a real leader and you boys can't stand having a strong woman lead the way! You fools still have a mommy complex!

Sorry you are a pig loser! Kobe is a real leader and you boys can't stand having a strong woman lead the way! You fools still have a mommy complex!

Kobe is an imposter. No leadrship at all and my guess is her panzy boss has never given her the feedback that he gets an earful about. Well at least that which he used to get when we actually thought he cared. If you are in her good graces its only because you can't think for yourself and blindly follow her while kissing her ass. Two important qualities she expects. Anyone else is out as she has demonstrated.

In addition, she has the parent issues being the last in line of six. She even professes that she wasn't a "mistake". Who does that? Loser.

She inspires all female reps to be the best of the achievers at Shire!

Only the female reps who plan to remain single and never have children AND are looking hard to find some aspiring man, to whom they can latch onto, so they will take them down the yellow brick road to perennial success.
Now that is female mentor!

these posts crack me up. it's so true. I heard she was at shire so I had to log into CP and see if you all had your lethal dose of KK yet.

The OP is correct. She is NPD to the max.
anyone notice the only women she moves up or cozies up to are short beefy fugly chicks. Anyone who is slender and better looking she keeps suppressed and talks down to.

Any guy that even remotely challenges her gets PIPd and booted.
And then there is the micro management to the max. Does she make you people color code calendars too. It's like 5th grade.

Total nightmare and FO, PS, and KK aren't going anywhere until it gets sold. You all have only 1 option. seek refuge elsewhere.

these posts crack me up. it's so true. I heard she was at shire so I had to log into CP and see if you all had your lethal dose of KK yet.

The OP is correct. She is NPD to the max.
anyone notice the only women she moves up or cozies up to are short beefy fugly chicks. Anyone who is slender and better looking she keeps suppressed and talks down to.

Any guy that even remotely challenges her gets PIPd and booted.
And then there is the micro management to the max. Does she make you people color code calendars too. It's like 5th grade.

Total nightmare and FO, PS, and KK aren't going anywhere until it gets sold. You all have only 1 option. seek refuge elsewhere.

Thanks for validating what we already figured out as soon as she got here. In her first meeting she went around asking people what their rank was and proceeded to talk incessantly about herself and what a great athlete she was and how she was "recruited" to come here. It was very uncomfortable to sit in the audience and watch this train wreck try to justify her lack of experience and how she "deserves to be on stage here."

An old leopard doesn't change their spots and she is proving this with all of the bad publicity that preceded her arrival. I just can't wait for the one or two ass sniffers to post in her defense about how we are all "sexist" and "need to change the culture." What a fucking laugh!!! KK is the most sexist, insecure, law breaking witch I have ever seen.

Everyone just keep your eyes open and when she slips up like saying something that discriminates against people with families, sells off-label (like she's done) or asks you to do something outside of compliance, report it and document it. Fry her sorry ass!

Thanks for validating what we already figured out as soon as she got here. In her first meeting she went around asking people what their rank was and proceeded to talk incessantly about herself and what a great athlete she was and how she was "recruited" to come here. It was very uncomfortable to sit in the audience and watch this train wreck try to justify her lack of experience and how she "deserves to be on stage here."

An old leopard doesn't change their spots and she is proving this with all of the bad publicity that preceded her arrival. I just can't wait for the one or two ass sniffers to post in her defense about how we are all "sexist" and "need to change the culture." What a fucking laugh!!! KK is the most sexist, insecure, law breaking witch I have ever seen.

Everyone just keep your eyes open and when she slips up like saying something that discriminates against people with families, sells off-label (like she's done) or asks you to do something outside of compliance, report it and document it. Fry her sorry ass!

Haters will always hate! She is trying to move our company into the 21st century and the good old boys just feel threatened! Poor babies your time is almost at an end at the Shire!

Haters will always hate! She is trying to move our company into the 21st century and the good old boys just feel threatened! Poor babies your time is almost at an end at the Shire!

Oh please. EVERYTHING she has started here is recycled shit from her days at Merck in the 90s, including her point responsibilities. She wouldn't know an original idea if it bit her in her ass.

People actually laugh at how unoriginal both those idiots are KK & PS.

You are a sexist Moron! The truth is that you are a lowly territory rep and wish you could have the career KK has achieved!! Go back to your two-wide trailer!

A two wide trailer that was earned independently is better for some than silver and gold platters that were handed out for simply following the leader.

When you achieve something without really earning it - it leaves you in a strange position. You really don't know how you got there so you don't know what it takes to be there and stay there. The stress of keeping up the charade must be overwhelming for anyone with a hint of conscience.

Is there anyone else who thinks this describes our leader KK? As I see her in action and hear from my ZD & RD about her I'm beginning to believe she suffers from this.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) - is a Cluster B personality disorder in which a person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and to others in the process.

Boom! Nails her pretty well don't you think?

The interview with the female mgr in MI felt all wrong. Maybe I shouldn't accept the offer especially after learning how many people she has interviewed for the position. I'm desperate for a position that moves me back up the $ chain here in pharma. But instinct says no and after reading all of these ^^^ I'm guessing I should walk away. I have always heard good things from the physicians but they even cautioned me on this particular oppty. Is this thread indicative of female mgrs at S?