Our Sales Leader


Is there anyone else who thinks this describes our leader KK? As I see her in action and hear from my ZD & RD about her I'm beginning to believe she suffers from this.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) - is a Cluster B personality disorder in which a person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and to others in the process.

Boom! Nails her pretty well don't you think?

Is there anyone else who thinks this describes our leader KK? As I see her in action and hear from my ZD & RD about her I'm beginning to believe she suffers from this.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) - is a Cluster B personality disorder in which a person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and to others in the process.

Boom! Nails her pretty well don't you think?

And Obama! you work for the gub'ment

Seriously, this broad has been an absolute nightmare to everyone she comes in contact with. The words building relationships and collaboration are nowhere in her vocabulary and she is so egotistical, she thinks she has all the answers but really is a dope. Her methods have chased out some good people from Shire with others to soon follow (after stock vesting). Her leadership is not productive and that asshole, marble-mouth PS who no doubt had his ass kicked as a kid in high school is a wolf in sheep(shit) clothes. He's making up for all the humiliation he endured no doubt as a kid.

I once heard that our CEO reads these comments here. If so, you have a real problem on your hands FO and these lunatics running the show are ruining the business that was built here. They are also underhanded and cross the ethical (and legal) line. I'm sure in a few months to a year you will hear of these two being sued again for discrimination.

Shire sucks and its thanks to these two running the NBU

This was a good meeting. Much better than expected. I like her. She seems fine to me.

You're either drunk on the free booze or PS himself responding. Don't let her cunning charm fool you. She's a rotten bitch who makes people miserable. She's so insecure she feels threatened by those who are on to her. Same goes for that nerdy boss of hers who can't even pronounce Vyvanse. Two fucking dopes, both of them.

Add delusional, daddy issues, sexually frustrated, and an idiot.

She is a very conniving, backstabbing shrew. She is threatened by anyone who challenges her archaic way of thinking. Her usefulness has passed and she is way over her head. Would reallly love someone other than Sternberg to manage her and see what they think. She'd be gone in a week. When Abbvie backed out, I bet she breathed a big sigh of relief. Hey Kobe - GFY!

She is a very conniving, backstabbing shrew. She is threatened by anyone who challenges her archaic way of thinking. Her usefulness has passed and she is way over her head. Would reallly love someone other than Sternberg to manage her and see what they think. She'd be gone in a week. When Abbvie backed out, I bet she breathed a big sigh of relief. Hey Kobe - GFY!

Sexist Orc Comments should be removed from CP!