Our CEO Is Spot On About Diversity As Usual

Those who cry "racist" are always the biggest racists in the room. Kenny Boy is an ass clown at best.

Here you go all you NBA lovers. This is not a racist comment just observation having been around this person. LeBron James. You ought to observe how he really behaves when he's not in front of the cameras. Major hypocrite. No depth of understanding on vital issues on the human condition across the world but he'll sure exploit the financial HELL out of it in China. Yet, he'll look the other way on massive humanitarian violations including now, more factual genocide in 2021. People of China lives matter don't they? OR is it just when it fits your particular needs and narrative? All races matter. Always have.

He’s about Action. Corporate America sees dollar signs in the “future demographics” of America. They know that younger Americans will call these companies out for useless “conversations” as they’re tired of Talk. Major billion dollar companies are following his lead.

Among the 37 companies that signed at OneTen’s founding are
Eli Lilly, General Motors, Bank of America
and Johnson & Johnson, Comcast, the parent of CNBC, also is participating.

“What we have here is a failure of the education-to-employment pipeline in this country,” Frazier said. “What we’re trying to do with OneTen is to address that by making it a skills-first hiring paradigm, not a credentials-first hiring paradigm, because as long as you have a credentials-first hiring paradigm, there’s going to be disproportionate impact on African Americans.”

So, Kenny "C",

You espouse like the Warden in the Paul Newman film, "Cool Hand Luke". "YOU SEE, we have a failure to communicate." You are massive hypocrite on a self-knighted, self sanctifying sainthood mission.

You networked your whole career. Now you say, networking is not needed to any real degree! Really? Yet, many know how and why you were hand picked for your 10 year reign of mediocrity that garnered transgenerational wealth. I see DOCTOR Roy Vagelos 'turning away' in his bed.

Now you say, it's skills first. But you gained JD credentials from Harvard. Other credentials along the path to the executive suite. Imagine that. And you're forever grateful for that educational opportunity that afforded an "entrance card" to practice law. No other way. You had no real developed skills. You had credentials and potential. So, the rules have to change for Black Americans?



Unless you wish to lower the standards for the American workplace. Now, if someone wants to start their own business....not your Corporate American power and wealth grab. THEN, skills and whatever networking is needed to be entrepreneurial are sufficient.

Lastly KENNY "C", Hispanics. Latinos. Asians. These people of non-white color are going to collectively, far surpass the black percentage of 13% in America. Is that what your "afraid of"? Blacks not competing against bright, hard working, driven Asians and Latinos or Hispanics in this country. Why only black focus?

Personally, I work on ALL RACE CAUSES to lift ALL people. Always have. And I've "lost" at the expense of POC to help them. You wouldn't lose a "red" cent.