• Tue news: Regeneron fails to block Eylea biosimilar. Inside the GLP-1 price war. Novartis inks $1B biobucks deal. UCB/Biogen lupus drug. Lilly Alzheimer’s drug approved in Japan. See more on our front page

"our board" you meant the fake hedge fund shills who pose as Eisai salesmen?!!


No real salesman would believe the junk posted here by the shills of hedgies and Vivus fans!

Really, who are you then??? You don't work here so you're just a shill for the ARNA longs...what's the difference? I know I work here...and I know you do not. I'm selling this drug, I know you are not. I know what the customers are saying as I'm right in front of them, I know you are not. Look I'm sure you mean well but we dot need out board filled with stock market hacks to 'fire up the sales force'...

Really, who are you then??? You don't work here so you're just a shill for the ARNA longs...what's the difference? I know I work here...and I know you do not. I'm selling this drug, I know you are not. I know what the customers are saying as I'm right in front of them, I know you are not. Look I'm sure you mean well but we dot need out board filled with stock market hacks to 'fire up the sales force'...

I don't care and neither does Mark Mazr

No real salesman would believe the junk posted here by the shills of hedgies and Vivus fans!

Dumbass the shorts already won this one a long time ago. Here is some simple math…52 week high of 12.07 52 week low today of 6.65. Nor sure why you keep going on about the shorts and hedge funds or Vivus investors. REAL investors do not try to manipulate or counter manipulate a sales force on Café Pharma. It is completely nonsensical!

BTW I’m a long time Eisai rep, own no shares of Eisai, Arena, or Vivus so I have no skin in the game other than keeping my job. That is the only reason I care whether Belviq does well or not, and for you to try to stifle communication on here of what is and isn’t happening in OUR very real world of selling versus YOUR spin for your own financial gain wreaks of insanity. You had your fun, now leave us alone and let us do our jobs…and to your point if Belviq is REALLY a blockbuster nothing you or your mythical enemies say or post is going to change that for good or for bad.

Really, who are you then??? You don't work here so you're just a shill for the ARNA longs...what's the difference? I know I work here...and I know you do not. I'm selling this drug, I know you are not. I know what the customers are saying as I'm right in front of them, I know you are not. Look I'm sure you mean well but we dot need out board filled with stock market hacks to 'fire up the sales force'...

The sales force is already fired up. They're going to make a ton of money. I am here to call a spade a spade as I got sick of reading FAKE salesmen saying they're Eisai salesmen while trying to hurt the morale of the REAL salesmen.

Dumbass the shorts already won this one a long time ago.

Sure, anybody can come here and say "I'M A LONG TIME SALES REP FOR EISAI (i just happen to bat for vivus and hedge funds who are short)." SURE!!

Now as to your idiotic statement about shorts having won, look again: 57M shorted shares with no chance to cover without losing 100's of millions so they keep lying and bashing and manipulating but this game has just started and Belviq is selling REALLY WELL and REAL Eisai salespeople will make a TON of money.

Ya, but, how can I spin are crappy year 2 data?

No spinning is needed. Just state the truth. Tested on over 8000 patients. Completers lost an average of 8.2% of body weight (average 26 pounds). Responders (those who lost 5% in 3 months) lost between 11% and 12% of body weight in a year. 47.5% of patients who took BELVIQ lost at least 5% of their weight versus 20.3% for placebo patients. Of those completing the studies, 63.9% lost greater than 5% of their weight, 34.7% lost greater than 10% of their weight, and the top 25% lost over 16.7% (or 35 pounds). It has been scientifically proven that even a 5% drop in weight can result in meaningful improvements in overall health.

FDA did NOT require a REMS program like it did for Qsymia which speaks volumes about BELVIQ's excellent safety profile. BELVIQ does not stimulate the metabolism and receptor studies did not show any impact to heart valves -- the ultra-advanced technology behind BELVIQ allows it to selectively target a certain receptor in the brain to give the person feeling of satiety (being full) without affecting other receptors. More and more insurance companies are covering BELVIQ because it's to their advantage for people to lose weight. Over 50 health conditions are related to being overweight.

How uninformed are you. The REMS had nothing to do with the safety of Qsymia to patients, only to fetal exposure. That is now lifted and Qsymia is available in retail stores. Belviq only met, and barely met one requirement the FDA required for efficacy. Explain that. Also genius, explain the difference between selectivity and specific. You are just plain stupid. Did more patients develop valvulopathy than placebo? YES. Did any Qsymia patients develop valvulopathy, No. Can you assure the DRS your crappy drug does not spill over to the other serotonin receptors? Tell them with 100% certainty they have absolutely nothing to worry about because your drug is soooooo safe. You drank the kook aid. You have to look at only the responders to find efficacy. Qsymia looked at every patient and doesn't wean out the responders and non responders. AACE doesn't believe your drug is effective or they would have it listed as recommended for the more complicated patients.

Sure, anybody can come here and say "I'M A LONG TIME SALES REP FOR EISAI (i just happen to bat for vivus and hedge funds who are short)." SURE!!

Now as to your idiotic statement about shorts having won, look again: 57M shorted shares with no chance to cover without losing 100's of millions so they keep lying and bashing and manipulating but this game has just started and Belviq is selling REALLY WELL and REAL Eisai salespeople will make a TON of money.

Ton of money? Clearly you do not work at Eisai nor know the IC plan for Belviq...

Sure, anybody can come here and say "I'M A LONG TIME SALES REP FOR EISAI (i just happen to bat for vivus and hedge funds who are short)." SURE!!

Now as to your idiotic statement about shorts having won, look again: 57M shorted shares with no chance to cover without losing 100's of millions so they keep lying and bashing and manipulating but this game has just started and Belviq is selling REALLY WELL and REAL Eisai salespeople will make a TON of money.

Old data in the 57 M. They already called once it broke to the 6's. You are talking about data from a year ago!!! If they were shorts they went back and shorted again at 12 and hence made a killing.

Old data in the 57 M. They already called once it broke to the 6's. You are talking about data from a year ago!!! If they were shorts they went back and shorted again at 12 and hence made a killing.

Look at Nasdaq website before you misinform the board with false info. Latest short interest is still in 57M range. AT least half under 4 and the rest somewhere in 9-10 range on average. Best is in the upper 5 average price and problem is they can't cover without a major rise in the price. They've pushed the price down by naked shorting and reverse conversions. Add to that demand from institutions which have been in show me state and looking at current script data makes them very horny. And shorts needing shares, and docs buying, and more and more demand. Arena is not issuing shares so supply is fixed, and when shorts need to cover artificial supply turned into real demand (double whammy) sending price to the moon.

Don't u clowns know all the rxes so farcare the free 15 day scripts. Most of these are staff begging DRS to let them try. When it comes time to spend their money, then we will see how the drug does and only after refills are filled. Once word spreads that most people fail, patients and DRS aren't going to waste money and time with this drug. Vwho want a 3 month, expensive trial to see if a drug works? We all know, people don't even want to spend $20/month to keep their heart beating. Everybody wants instant gratification. I guarantee, if they subtract the free rxes, the rxes to date are 0.

Look at Nasdaq website before you misinform the board with false info. Latest short interest is still in 57M range. AT least half under 4 and the rest somewhere in 9-10 range on average. Best is in the upper 5 average price and problem is they can't cover without a major rise in the price. They've pushed the price down by naked shorting and reverse conversions. Add to that demand from institutions which have been in show me state and looking at current script data makes them very horny. And shorts needing shares, and docs buying, and more and more demand. Arena is not issuing shares so supply is fixed, and when shorts need to cover artificial supply turned into real demand (double whammy) sending price to the moon.

Dummy the short players have been playing this back and forth and whatever shares they have underwater they made up and then some over the last year when the shorted at $12! Also do you really think a short seller or anyone for that matter can influence the prescriptions and the success and failure of a drug my posting positively or negatively on Café Pharma? If you do believe that…which by all of your moronic ramblings it appears that you do…then you are even more stupid, crazy, and uninformed then anyone could have ever imagined.

If Belviq and Arena are successful or are failures 0% will have anything to do with Café Pharma postings…

So true. They just hate hearing facts about how crappy the drug is. Any time a company has to adjust efficacy numbers and make excuses and try to mislead Drs, especially, right out of the gate, you know they have crap to sell.

Dummy the short players have been playing this back and forth and whatever shares they have underwater they made up and then some over the last year when the shorted at $12! Also do you really think a short seller or anyone for that matter can influence the prescriptions and the success and failure of a drug my posting positively or negatively on Café Pharma? If you do believe that…which by all of your moronic ramblings it appears that you do…then you are even more stupid, crazy, and uninformed then anyone could have ever imagined.

If Belviq and Arena are successful or are failures 0% will have anything to do with Café Pharma postings…

This is absolutely not a rep... on the ten thousand other posts on this website not a single person has taken the time to put an accent over the 'e' or capitalize the title "Café Pharma"... You sir are full of shit