What? Woundcare reps say bye bye.
anonymous Guest anonymous   Dec 06, 2016 at 08:39: PM #21 anonymous Guest What? Woundcare reps say bye bye.
anonymous Guest anonymous   Dec 11, 2016 at 11:14: AM #22 anonymous Guest Is It True? did the South West RM really take a bunch of Docs to a strip Club?!!!! And he still has a job? Does anyone know about this? Share the details with us
Is It True? did the South West RM really take a bunch of Docs to a strip Club?!!!! And he still has a job? Does anyone know about this? Share the details with us
anonymous Guest anonymous   Dec 11, 2016 at 10:29: PM #23 anonymous Guest i would never sell anyone out....but titties all up in my face.