Otsuka's sales leadership is a disappointment!!

I find this thread refreshing but unfortunately when you tell the emperor she is wearing no clothes she won't believe anyone because she is always right. These facts are self evident however facts no longer matter if you have no insight to understand that upper management is the problem not the solution. When was the last time that anyone admitted that they were wrong and mistakes are a natural part of a developing business? Hasn't happened since the truly quality RSD was replaced by the giant mini-me in Dallas, the man he replaced was the last true regional sales LEADER at Otsuka.

The Southwest region is doomed due to the "mini me" RSD who wants everyone to do what he does- work on spreadsheets every day. Forget people only numbers matter

The Southwest region is doomed due to the "mini me" RSD who wants everyone to do what he does- work on spreadsheets every day. Forget people only numbers matter
I feel for you peeps in the SW but until you have to work for/with the jerk Jon Coktoasten, you have no idea what bad leadership is. He thinks he can do what he wants because he looks like Jason Priestly.

I feel for you peeps in the SW but until you have to work for/with the jerk Jon Coktoasten, you have no idea what bad leadership is. He thinks he can do what he wants because he looks like Jason Priestly.
It's up to you and your team to get rid of him! Smile at him and stab him in the back! Get creative! Work with your team mates. Make his life miserable. Flood his email box! Spread rumors! Make the ride alongs hell for him! Call him endlessly about petty stuff, so he doesn't get anything done. Drop him off in the middle of nowhere.

Does he drink coffee in the car? Do a couple rabbit starts and do some sudden braking so he will spill coffee on his pants or even better his computer. Its all good and justified. The end justifies the means! Let us know how it goes. Any DM can be de-installed, it just has to be the focus of your daily activity, not sales!!

Like I said before, I have gotten rid of 3 DSMs in my career. I am an expert at that! As a matter of fact, it's the only thing I do well. I can't sell squat and I can't get out of bed in the mornings. Look what time it is now. I still should be at work, and I have been home for hours. You have more power than you realize, but you have to work smart!! It takes work, but is is it worth it? Absolutely!!

It's up to you and your team to get rid of him! Smile at him and stab him in the back! Get creative! Work with your team mates. Make his life miserable. Flood his email box! Spread rumors! Make the ride alongs hell for him! Call him endlessly about petty stuff, so he doesn't get anything done. Drop him off in the middle of nowhere.

Does he drink coffee in the car? Do a couple rabbit starts and do some sudden braking so he will spill coffee on his pants or even better his computer. Its all good and justified. The end justifies the means! Let us know how it goes. Any DM can be de-installed, it just has to be the focus of your daily activity, not sales!!

Like I said before, I have gotten rid of 3 DSMs in my career. I am an expert at that! As a matter of fact, it's the only thing I do well. I can't sell squat and I can't get out of bed in the mornings. Look what time it is now. I still should be at work, and I have been home for hours. You have more power than you realize, but you have to work smart!! It takes work, but is is it worth it? Absolutely!!
Coktoasten is a beast. He has 9 lives plus I think he hooked up with HR rep years ago. Don't forget he is very handsome which goes a long says in this industry.

Coktoasten is a beast. He has 9 lives plus I think he hooked up with HR rep years ago. Don't forget he is very handsome which goes a long says in this industry.
Is he banging a chick from HR to cover up abuse? Document everything, dates, times, locations...your attorney will need this information when the time comes...look toward a hefty settlement to keep your mouth shut...if you can substantiate and prove misconduct.

Coktoasten is a beast. He has 9 lives plus I think he hooked up with HR rep years ago. Don't forget he is very handsome which goes a long says in this industry.
Hey, I did some research on this guy, there is a Sunovion thread “Coktoasten Fired” from April 21, 2017 4:15 PM “due to inappropriate relationships” at work.

But I am sure you knew this already!! Of course, the idiots at Otsuka hire him!! Our leaders are so pathetic!

Good luck to you, my friend, I have a feeling you are a female rep...if you need help, keep posting here. Like I said before, I have gotten rid of 3 bad DMs...You are talking to an expert at manager removal.

Hey, I did some research on this guy, there is a Sunovion thread “Coktoasten Fired” from April 21, 2017 4:15 PM “due to inappropriate relationships” at work.

But I am sure you knew this already!! Of course, the idiots at Otsuka hire him!! Our leaders are so pathetic!

Good luck to you, my friend, I have a feeling you are a female rep...if you need help, keep posting here. Like I said before, I have gotten rid of 3 bad DMs...You are talking to an expert at manager removal.
Actually, I am not a female but that changes nothing. I can admit that Jon is quite handsome but not a good leader. When you look into his blue eyes you will see what I mean

DM here....(also MBA)...After having been here several years now, I have to say I am deeply disappointed with our leadership, especially in the people of our sales and marketing organization. Go to our website and you see statements such as "At Otsuka, it is the people who make a difference". Really? In what company don't they? Yet, when you dig a little bit deeper the fact is that our "leaders" do only the absolute minimum to get by!

Some time ago, the company made it a requirement for reps and managers to read the "Challenger Sale" book and learn from the insights. I honestly wonder wether the individuals that asked us to do this did little more than read a few pages and went on to other things. The reason I say that is because the authors clearly state that:

"These are organizational capabilities, not individual skills. A critical lesson of the Challenger approach is the significant need for organizational involvement to make it truly sustainable and not just the result of incidental rep excellence...."

"The unique benefits, the surprising customer insights, the tightly packaged teaching choreography - require input from the entire commercial organization".

"With input from the salesforce - and at their behest - organizations must invest in training marketers to articulate differentiators and constantly source fresh and compelling teaching messages".

I think it is fair to say, that Otsuka has fallen way short on all three points! There is no organizational involvement, no input from the entire organization, and most importantly there are no constantly fresh and compelling teaching messages. Other than preaching "positive tension" which was only mentioned once in the book, our leaders have let the salesforce down by not implementing a single one of the requirements necessary to make the reps successful as stated above. In times when more and more offices shut their doors to reps, we operate as if we were in the 70's and 80's. We don't even try to be better at what our competitors are doing. Why even ask the salesforce to read the book? Of course almost everyone has forgotten about the book by now, so rather than change our culture, the book became the sales flavor of the month!

The authors cite one incident, where a pharma company (unnamed) provided valuable information on disease management to providers, in essence helping them practicing better medicine, which resulted in cost and time savings. The reps suddenly had access to the doctors in this closed clinic system and after presenting the information, were able to sell the company's solution, which was their drug. Why didn't anyone at our organization question or wonder why we couldn't do something similar??? Heck no, that would be asking too much!!

So much for the statement: "We believe in unconventional thinking" which also stares at you when you open our website"....Nothing but a hollow phrase...

And when reps don't perform at Otsuka, it is automatically their fault, regardless of the circumstances. The "solution" to the problem is the PIP! Easy way out! Management has done it's job. Any 5 year old can do that. I for one will not participate in this charade anymore and put a rep on a PIP if I don't think it's justified. I am tired of doing our leaders dirty work! These individuals should look in the mirror and ask themselves whether or not they are really as good as they need to be, and wether or not they have the traits and character necessary to lead and manage a salesforce!! If not, please leave!!

Lastly, I know our execs read CP...but they will act as if they were totally unaware of this thread...mark my as usual...
Otsuka's sales leadership is not a's a TOTAL JOKE!!! But I totally agree with everything else you said. You should be at least an RD if not VP of sales and clean up this organization from DSM on up!!! Hopefully you go far in your career!

Otsuka's sales leadership is not a's a TOTAL JOKE!!! But I totally agree with everything else you said. You should be at least an RD if not VP of sales and clean up this organization from DSM on up!!! Hopefully you go far in your career!
If Otsuka cleans house, one has to wonder about the size of the golden parachutes that will be awarded for incompetence and doing the absolute minimum to get by!

If Otsuka cleans house, one has to wonder about the size of the golden parachutes that will be awarded for incompetence and doing the absolute minimum to get by!
It's always impressive to be led by people who never carried the bag or carried the bag 25 years ago!!
So much experience, so much skill, so much know-how!

It's up to you and your team to get rid of him! Smile at him and stab him in the back! Get creative! Work with your team mates. Make his life miserable. Flood his email box! Spread rumors! Make the ride alongs hell for him! Call him endlessly about petty stuff, so he doesn't get anything done. Drop him off in the middle of nowhere.

Does he drink coffee in the car? Do a couple rabbit starts and do some sudden braking so he will spill coffee on his pants or even better his computer. Its all good and justified. The end justifies the means! Let us know how it goes. Any DM can be de-installed, it just has to be the focus of your daily activity, not sales!!

Like I said before, I have gotten rid of 3 DSMs in my career. I am an expert at that! As a matter of fact, it's the only thing I do well. I can't sell squat and I can't get out of bed in the mornings. Look what time it is now. I still should be at work, and I have been home for hours. You have more power than you realize, but you have to work smart!! It takes work, but is is it worth it? Absolutely!!

So, 34 years and now retired from this wonderful PROFESSION if you live and work that way. Day after day, good weather, bad and "pandemics" of all sorts. Anyway, split between sales rep roles including key accounts, major health systems and being an integrated specialty/institutional manager.

Some things are non-negotiable. I'd fire an oppressive, arrogant, micromanaging MANAGER. And, without hesitation, I would FIRE your lazy, misdirected, unproductive self as a rep. You, are what gives this industry a bad name as much as these over inflated managers. You are essentially admitting theft. If someone stole $100 from you would call the police (although today who knows). You've stolen thousands and talk about pushing a manager out in dirty ways. Low class. Really low class behavior.

So, 34 years and now retired from this wonderful PROFESSION if you live and work that way. Day after day, good weather, bad and "pandemics" of all sorts. Anyway, split between sales rep roles including key accounts, major health systems and being an integrated specialty/institutional manager.

Some things are non-negotiable. I'd fire an oppressive, arrogant, micromanaging MANAGER. And, without hesitation, I would FIRE your lazy, misdirected, unproductive self as a rep. You, are what gives this industry a bad name as much as these over inflated managers. You are essentially admitting theft. If someone stole $100 from you would call the police (although today who knows). You've stolen thousands and talk about pushing a manager out in dirty ways. Low class. Really low class behavior.
It took you 5 + months to get back to this guy's post? Where have you been? Nothing low class about this guy! He just doesn't take crap from anyone!

So, 34 years and now retired from this wonderful PROFESSION if you live and work that way. Day after day, good weather, bad and "pandemics" of all sorts. Anyway, split between sales rep roles including key accounts, major health systems and being an integrated specialty/institutional manager.

Some things are non-negotiable. I'd fire an oppressive, arrogant, micromanaging MANAGER. And, without hesitation, I would FIRE your lazy, misdirected, unproductive self as a rep. You, are what gives this industry a bad name as much as these over inflated managers. You are essentially admitting theft. If someone stole $100 from you would call the police (although today who knows). You've stolen thousands and talk about pushing a manager out in dirty ways. Low class. Really low class behavior.

You obviously are above the bag dragging class.

“Some things are non-negotiable. I'd fire an oppressive, arrogant, micromanaging MANAGER.”

You would have no managers...

So, 34 years and now retired from this wonderful PROFESSION if you live and work that way. Day after day, good weather, bad and "pandemics" of all sorts. Anyway, split between sales rep roles including key accounts, major health systems and being an integrated specialty/institutional manager.

Some things are non-negotiable. I'd fire an oppressive, arrogant, micromanaging MANAGER. And, without hesitation, I would FIRE your lazy, misdirected, unproductive self as a rep. You, are what gives this industry a bad name as much as these over inflated managers. You are essentially admitting theft. If someone stole $100 from you would call the police (although today who knows). You've stolen thousands and talk about pushing a manager out in dirty ways. Low class. Really low class behavior.
"Wonderful PROFESSION?????"

Yes, 30 years ago!!!