Osiris acquisition

How is the transition going for everyone? Not sure how I feel about selling inferior products like Oasis......

That’s easy. When Grafix isn’t covered or when you need something larger than a 3x4 in the HOPD is when you talk Oasis. I’ve had a center use a few pieces of oasis and it worked great. It’s better than seeing a competitors graft go on a large wound. Im more concerned with S&Ns plan for Grafix/Stravix in terms of on-going clinical research and sales support. Seems like sales and marketing support has come to a halt ever since the acquisition. Whats the plan here?

I guess I worded this poorly haha. I’ve been in the top 25 the last two years and enjoy our products. That being said I’m already working my butt off. Just curious how this will play out carrying something totally different and way more expensive time-management wise. Sorry guys.

Remember Dermagraft? Cryo always has one or the other logistical problem. You'll sell more Pico.