Ortho manager new York Curtin

Curtin and Hazelwood would both be great guys to work for getting started in sports medicine. Both are very well respected by their customers and within the organization

Possible, as long as you're not a threat.
If so, he'll step on you like he has many others to climb the ladder
He pretends to be everyone's best friend until.....
You're the one in the way

Curtin and Hazelwood would both be great guys to work for getting started in sports medicine. Both are very well respected by their customers and within the organization
????? Wow if that is true S&N is worse off then I thought. Curtin couldn't close a door when he was a rep, has no exp as a manager, and came from pharma if that tells you anything. Arthrex and Bestpitch pretty much own Buffalo- Albany these days. Get two years max as an associate make sure you get good documented reviews move to the next big thing.

You would be very fortunate to work in VA. Hazelwood is a well respected talented sales person, a smart, hardworking guy, that has carried a bag and understands how to sell.

????? Wow if that is true S&N is worse off then I thought. Curtin couldn't close a door when he was a rep, has no exp as a manager, and came from pharma if that tells you anything. Arthrex and Bestpitch pretty much own Buffalo- Albany these days. Get two years max as an associate make sure you get good documented reviews move to the next big thing.

Stay with the company and make a career!

S&N is the # 1 sports medicine provider in the world! Buffalo - Albany is an anomaly since the products are crap! The new S & N products are total game changers and as soon as there in the Doctors hands they will gain # 1 marketshare in upstate NY like the rest of the world. Upstate New York is always late to the game and slow. The Arthrex run is coming to end.

Stay with the company and make a career!

S&N is the # 1 sports medicine provider in the world! Buffalo - Albany is an anomaly since the products are crap! The new S & N products are total game changers and as soon as there in the Doctors hands they will gain # 1 marketshare in upstate NY like the rest of the world. Upstate New York is always late to the game and slow. The Arthrex run is coming to end.

That is the dumbest thing I have ever read!

Stay with the company and make a career!

S&N is the # 1 sports medicine provider in the world! Buffalo - Albany is an anomaly since the products are crap! The new S & N products are total game changers and as soon as there in the Doctors hands they will gain # 1 marketshare in upstate NY like the rest of the world. Upstate New York is always late to the game and slow. The Arthrex run is coming to end.

This sounds just like what Luthy (when he was the DOS) and Foster would say. "Arthrex is losing ground but we're turning things around." And where are we now? Still sucking wind and trying to convince some pontential candidate how great things are at S&N. Stay away. This is not the place to be.

You people are funny. I worked for Curtin for 4 years now. Never worked for someone who cared so much for his people. He is GOOD people.

You HATERS Are going to HATE.

You be fortunate to work under Curtin's leadership.
He cares for his reps and I can't say that for all managers.

U guys are sad. U talk S but u don't post ur name. Pathetic. I never worked under either of them but I have worked with them for years, went through a manager training program and was a FST with ha hazelwood. Both are great guys and great managers that I greatly respect. All of our AVPs and foster are top notch. Put ur name on here if your going to talk S.

U guys are sad. U talk S but u don't post ur name. Pathetic. I never worked under either of them but I have worked with them for years, went through a manager training program and was a FST with ha hazelwood. Both are great guys and great managers that I greatly respect. All of our AVPs and foster are top notch. Put ur name on here if your going to talk S.
And your name is...?

U guys are sad. U talk S but u don't post ur name. Pathetic. I never worked under either of them but I have worked with them for years, went through a manager training program and was a FST with ha hazelwood. Both are great guys and great managers that I greatly respect. All of our AVPs and foster are top notch. Put ur name on here if your going to talk S.

Where's your name big guy? It's pretty well known that to advance in this organization, you need not necessarily know much. Just be willing to kiss Foster and his little band of insiders' rings. Did he put you up to trolling this board and defending him? Not man enough to do it himself? As someone else said, he's a turd!

Lol, like all of SN piss poor leadership this clown won't lead by example. By far the worst team in place in 15 years I've seen here. Can't leave names because HR is corrupt as they come. Leave yours and you will find out. Dare you.

It's like the blind leading the blind. Worked with them, not under them..... Seems like they all suck the same dick in the end. SN leadership is the worst it has ever been. Period.