Organization Change

My reading is that this is inching her towards out, given that over half of her responsibilities (for U.S. & OUS) have been taken away from her. Does this mean her pay has been cut in half, just curious?

Question is: would this be a quick "kill the dog, do not let it suffer" approach, or a "long term hospice" approach. Stay tuned.

Some say that if DH is given a free hand he will not let grass mold under his feet.

It is going to be "kill the dog, do not let it suffer" approach.

Nancy is going to retire in a couple of months!

Worked with Dave Perry at AMS. Good guy, pretty smart, but very much still riding his coattails from the cardiac space. He's pretty good - just ask him and he'll tell you:)

All sizzle, no steak.

Whether it is a Perry or Kolb, a Kill or a Hammer, grow up. Stop bitchin. Stop blaming. Stop spewing character assassinations. Really.
Do the job and if you can't or don't want to, move over and let someone who can.

Thanks, I will! Now shut the door and go sell something before your ass gets crosshairs on it next!

I do fine in my job, unlike you Ann, if that is who you are, who spends half the morning gabbing and making the coffee rounds, or you NK, if that is who you are, who got demoted twice.

Based on that I wonder which one of us already got in the xhairs and who should be next!

I do fine in my job, unlike you Ann, if that is who you are, who spends half the morning gabbing and making the coffee rounds, or you NK, if that is who you are, who got demoted twice.

Based on that I wonder which one of us already got in the xhairs and who should be next!

Stop threatening. I know who you are :)

Stop threatening. I know who you are :)

So when you tell somebody about putting crosshairs on their ass, it is not a threat; when somebody alludes of crosshairs on you it is threat. You sound irrational (or airheaded) & need a way to deal with your anger. My I suggest a dose of 20 mg of Valium now and then for you.

You say you know me. Is that meant to be a threat and another of your Valium-need incident? In any case you forgot that you do not have any clout anymore.