Oracea side effects

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I've been on oracea for over 6 months and I think it's making me gain weight. (some of it is probably water weight but I gained 10 pounds...I usually have a fast metabolism...) Could it be slowing my metabolism??
I also feel tired all the time..Anyone else with these symptoms?

I have been on it for 2 months. I have noticed a weight gain, and lots of acid-reflux type pain. I admit I want to eat more, because my stomach is so acidic and food helps it temporarily. Also, I am digesting more slowly. Sorry to be so gross, but I find it constipating. I went off for 2 weeks when I had a sinus infection (didn't feel safe taking it with Levaquin) and man did I break out without it. The side-effects suck, but I feel GROSS with scaly pustules on my face. If only I could afford one IPL and 2 microderms per month. Someday this f'd up insurance industry will see the side-effects result in far more health complications and would pay for a laser treatment that wouldn't mess up everything else. It is a FACT long-term antiobitic use can lead to breast cancer! I hate the red-tape of the insurance industry and this f'd up country's way of hiding medical facts so drug companies can make money. I far prefer CHINESE medicine. Massage and accupuncture would probably cure it all, but again, our country would rather push poison with a profit. Treat the symptom, not the REAL cause of the illness. I am so sick of messed up skin. Almost 36 years...from acne to rosacea. Someday I'll be dead and won't have to deal with this disgusting skin issue anymore!

I was on Oracea for a year. I went off it and started sleeping better. However, once I returned to it, I have binged for ten days. Now I am 49 and weighed the same weight since high school. So yes, although I know I am eating more for whatever reason now, the fact still remains that I don't have the weight gain until I start using the product. I am going to try Omega 3 and a combination pf skin vitamins. Good luck everyone!

i have been on oracea for well over a year, maybe even closer to two years. I have gained 40 lbs and my stomach looks like a basketball. None of my doctors can explain the weight gain. My dermatologist refuses to admit it is the oracea that is causing this, but I know it is. I started to gain weight after using this product. The problem lies in the fact that when I stop taking it my forehead breaks out. I think you become addicted to it and your body needs it or your skin goes crazy without the pill in your body. I have tired endless times to go off this pill. I hate it. I have had several severe yeast infections and need to take medication for that issue. I have sinus issues, itching, my throat bothers me when I swollow, I feel tired all the time, I am depressed because of the weight gain. I wish I never heard of this drug. I really hate taking it. I feel like a prisioner now. Anyone else feel like you have to keep taking this drug or your face is worse than it used to be, and it happens within a day of not taking the pill?

Oracea has NOTHING to do with your weight gain! No doctor will tell you any different! Close the cake hole and find a treadmill!! Stop looking for excuses! You eat too much!

Does anyone get hives from this? I wake up at this hour which is 4 am with itching on my back and then get hives between my thighs?

Yes, I do. I thought it was hot flashes but the intensity was not quite right and speaking with friends at this age they said they had never heard of hot flashes like this. My face gets bright red, flushed ears, splotchy neck and my trunk of my body looks like I have a bad bad sunburn. My skin on my arms feel like it neats to have lotion on them because it is itchy. Need to speak to my doctor and see if there is an alternative.

Thanks for all your posts. I'm a skeptical 45 yoF. I just got my Rx yesterday. Cost $300 normal insurance price per month, but I used the Get Oracea for no more than $25 promotional coupon, so not so hot to start this watered down antibiotic drug. Looking over the pamphlet, and noticed the small sample size of the clinical trial along with the fairly common side effects. Hey I've had a sinus infection and it was no fun!!

I decided to check out your posts. I'm reluctant to start this drug as I was on tetracycline as a youngster and now have stained teeth. It seems that this works as an anti inflammatory (induces a systemic steroid response-with the trouble sleeping, weight gain (from sleepless nights, anxiety, jitteriness, (And possible changes to metabolism?, changes to lean body mass?, changes to stress response?), bloating, jittery, anxiety) and a very mild antibiotic to zap the zits. But from posts and the side effects listed it is strong enough to kill off beneficial bacteria on the surface, and leave room for opportunistic microorganisms to set up residence. What is really concerning is the unstated possible correlation between this long term use maintenance drug and diabetes.

I think I'll go back to my doctor to discuss topical antibiotic medication. Yesterday, he started me on a skin cleansing regime, so far I really notice the difference- chin zits calmed down but still there. Going to start taking vitamins, enteric coated fish oil pills, and drink more water!! Think about it before you take it.

I have used low-dose doxycycline in the past for rosacea --- as periostat, a periodontal antibiotic --- used off label. It worked well, but as all of you have pointed out, antibiotics have side effects.

I'd recommend that each of you find a good holistic doctor and a good dermatologist. I have my rosacea under control via the following combination: Food avoidance, particularly soy, peanuts, and nuts, but also yeasty things, most wines, and moldy cheeses. I'm allergic to soy, peanuts, and nuts; rosacea and facial redness are among my symptoms when I eat them. Oral vitamin B2 and B5. And a B5 cream. (B2 is known as riboflavin, and B5 is panthenol or panthothenic acid.) Rosacea laser treatments. Finacea. And a gentle unscented facial cleanser. I use Free and Clear right now. I don't use the finacea and the B5 cream at the same time. They're each too strong to use together (or perhaps they interact with each other).

Good luck to each of you. Rosacea is extremely frustrating, particularly if you have bumps, crustiness, or burning, but even if it's just serious flushing, because it affects how others see us and can affect how we feel about ourselves.

I've taken this medication on two separate occasions. I am 27 and never had any skin problems until I was 25- I use this medication along with Duac. The first time I took this medication for about 3 months and was able to stop and had no issues for a solid year but once summer rolled around again my skin began to have issues. I thought once summer was over I would be able to discontinue use but when I did I began to have skin problems again. I definitely had better results the first time I was taking it and far less side effects- I suffer from many stomach problems including GERD and IBS I tolerate this medication fairly well considering my medical history but at times I feel it exacerbates the problems. I recently started getting yeast infections which are a side effect of this medication and as anyone who has had one knows they are not fun. Also, they suggest taking this medication on an empty stomach 1 hr before meals or 2 hrs after- I definitely feel this is important because when I haven't taken it following these instructions I have not had the same benefit from the drug.

I have been using this product, prescribed by my dermatologist, for well on 2 years. I did not experience any of the side effects that are described here, but about a year ago, my GP noticed that my white cells, red cells, and platelets were alarmingly low. So she sent me to a hemotologist. After plenty of scary scenarios (leukemia, cancer, etc) and getting clean bill of health from all those, the hemotologist was stumped and said all he could call it was ITP, which is shorthand for "unexplained low platelets"

At the time I first met with him, I told him I was taking Oracea and he said he hadn't heard of it, but suggested I stop it while they were doing the tests. I was off it for several weeks and while that did not improve my blood counts in that time, it certainly made a difference on my face--the zits started popping out again w/i a week!! This has been a wonderful product for my face, but now that the company has started advertising it heavily and I have seen all the "techo talk" in the magazine ads (where they list all the reasons why you SHOULDN'T take the product) it lists there "anemia, trombocytopenia and neuropenia"--all the things that I have! NOW THEY TELL ME!!

So while the product has been good for my face, I sure didn't like having to go through a bone marrow biopsy and all the other tests because I didn't know about this particular side effect until now :-( I hate the thought of not being able to take it and what my face is going to look like again, but now I have also got another problem with larynpharengeal reflux, which I think is also a result of taking my Oracea before bed. I know it says take in AM, but I take my multi-vitamin and antacid in the AM.

Sorry so long winded but just thought it might be helpful to others... I plan on taking this ad to the hemotologist when I go in for a 6 mo blood test and I'm sure he will suggest that I quit taking it--boo hoo! I'm 49 yrs old and HATE having a face like a 16yo teenager :-(

I am 40 and know exactly how you feel, about the teenage symptoms part. My doctor has me using these clothes in the shower instead. They work great for my face, not as well as Oracea, but no side effects. It took a month to really see the difference.

Been using for few weeks but already noticed some side effects,eyes that have trouble focusing,especially in the sunlight.light headedness,(people pay good money to feel this way) but worst is have been bitting cheeks,face feels like its tightening up,along with upper lip and nose,anybody else.All this brings on an anxiety attack.Face looks good though

Oracea is doxycycline...a very old antibiotic. It does help the complexion but also causes a "leaky gut syndrome" with an overgrowth of yeast and chronic fatigue. Check it out

Really interesting read, I have been on doxycycline a few times now, for infections - ie flu etc, but every time I have had issues with my stomach bloating within a few hours of taking the meds. I spoke to my Dr but he said that nothing like that happens, I'm quite relieved to see that yes, it really does and I'm not going nuts.
Thank you for enlightening me.

I have been on Oracea for 3.5 months. I see little improvement and have gained nearly 10 pounds! I have not changed eating patterns and excercise every day. I am going to go off the medicine to see what happens. Anyone that has seen weight gain....what happens when you go off!?! Did you loose the weight?

Good luck losing the weight. I was on this stuff for a year and never knew why I felt so miserable - depressed, tired, unable to focus on tasks, gaining weight even though I was too tired to eat more than a few bites of lunch and usually fell asleep before eating any dinner. Ended up so severely anemic I was hospitalized needing 3 pints of blood via transfusion (later found out that my red blood cell count was in to single digits and my organs were starting to shut down). No one admitted that the Oracea could contribute to all this despite being put through a battery of extremely uncomfortable tests. Stopped taking the stuff and my problems disappeared---except for the weight which I am still trying to get off 4 years later/
Now on a regimen of coconut oil, B vitamins, and Evening Primrose oil (oral and topical), use good, old fashioned Noxema to cleanse my face, and witch hazel. My face is still tinged but at least the breakouts have greatly decreased. Still have the flushes when it's too hot or I'm too agitated, but at least I can feel like a human being.

Since about my 2nd week of taking Oracea, I have had 24/7 severe intracranial pressure, pounding head, trembling, dizzyness, feeling very unbalanced and very tired. I have also experienced dry mouth, hoarseness and lost alot of my upper singing range.
These side effects have happened to me in the past when taking Doxycycline; and now I find that even at the lower dose, this drug is no different.
I hope it wears off soon; as I can barely function.
I have been thru blood tests, tilt tests, MRI's, EEG's, etc. Everything shows me to be normal.
This is the only conclusion for me. Even my doctors didn't realize that all of this could be a side-effect of the Oracea.
Doxycycline in any form is terrible for me.

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