ORACEA payouts- what a disgrace to the salesforce

Thank you home office clown probably HR or some support person in com ops with a director title. Let me see if the sales force was out for a month you sure as hell would notice it. If you did not show up for a month would if affect the business? you would have your underlings generate reports or do the HR crap anyway. So the question is who is more valuable you or the sales team members? All the issues brought up on this site are legitimate complaints and issues. We did not sign up for these silly low payouts and your home office leadership from whatever department you want to pick is really questionable. Bunch of home office goofs in Texas hanging out hoping for some year end bonus and or profit sharing that probably will no longer materialize.

I guess we should only hire from Ivy league schools - what a silly comment about the universities people graduated from. When many of us have years of experience and excellent GPA we brought here, where the hell did you go to school you home office bozo? Answer- clown school or hamburger U.

Truth be told, you all sound like a bunch of babies. You work from 10-4 and create as little value as possible. You're overpaid. Most only have a bachelor's degree from a 3rd or 4th rate school. The future will not be kind to you. Entitlement and ungratefulness are enemies of growth and success.

No Pal your the enemy of success with your pathetic JV chants at meeting that show just how little value you provide ! Did you get your degree at Yale ? I suspect that attitude of yours keeps you friendless and angry inside . If you are Yale Alum how sad that you are wasting your talents here then . Perhaps you could go else where and wreck that culture .

It appears there really is no motivation to work hard as our efforts will yield little if any commission. The goals are unrealistic and not attainable, that much is true. With unattainable goals come unattainable commissions thus the dilemma of whether to stay or go. It is a shame as we use to be a place where we were proud to call home. Unless something changes quickly lots of good Reps will be leaving.

Obvious from most of the statements in these threads are from sales reps who are functionally illiterate. Take a look at the sentence structure, grammar, or spelling.

At the end of the day, sales reps are plug and play with fragile egos. And strong demands for top pay when your first call is at 10, your last one at 2:30. Too much time spent driving around and getting coffee, checking email, or checking the Packers score from the weekend. Hit the gym by 4. Home by 5:30. It's a great life.

If you don't think you are getting what you deserve, then use your "selling skill@ and go find a better opportunity. Or work hard, get promoted, put in long hours and heavy travel, and reach for the ring. That's a lot of hard work, though.

For the value you deliver each day, you're probably comfortable and overpaid. Enjoy it while it lasts.

The message above brought to you by your home office leadership. No wonder this place has gone down hill so fast and the culture here is so empty. No leadership, No vision and yes both the field and home office careers will perish. It really demonstrates that they have no respect and or do not care about the field sales representatives at this place.

I am gone, now enjoy your downward spiral of what is left of your career. I am going to work for companies that are actually growing in the space and know how to move their people and careers forward. This is not the place to do that anymore.

Give us something to sell that is of interest and use to the physicians and we will work are butts off, but keep giving us the same acne drug over and over again is getting harder to sell. Need something new and different to motivate us and the Drs to write more. I am waiting for that day as I hope that is what Nestle brings to the table. Hang in there.

Hang in there and Nestle will bring more products? I do not think so. We no have Benzac OTC line a product line that was once Rx is now OTC and is about 30 years old. More rented OTC reps from Inventiv coming and more OTC products on the way. Nestle is a consumer product company not a pharma or aesthetic company. all they know is OTC brands and branding. That is what the future holds not innovate drugs and or aesthetic fillers. Time to wake up there is no long term future here for Rx or Aesthetic reps if you are waiting around for new and innovate products in that space you will wait a long time. Not going to happen, all they have launched in Rx are products that had already been in the pipeline.

Hang in there and Nestle will bring more products? I do not think so. We new have Benzac OTC line a product line that was once Rx is now OTC and is about 30 years old. More rented OTC reps from Inventiv coming and more OTC products on the way. Nestle is a consumer product company not a pharma or aesthetic company. all they know is OTC brands and branding. That is what the future holds not innovate drugs and or aesthetic fillers. Time to wake up there is no long term future here for Rx or Aesthetic reps if you are waiting around for new and innovate products in that space you will wait a long time. Not going to happen, all they have launched in Rx are products that had already been in the pipeline.

Obvious from most of the statements in these threads are from sales reps who are functionally illiterate. Take a look at the sentence structure, grammar, or spelling.

At the end of the day, sales reps are plug and play with fragile egos. And strong demands for top pay when your first call is at 10, your last one at 2:30. Too much time spent driving around and getting coffee, checking email, or checking the Packers score from the weekend. Hit the gym by 4. Home by 5:30. It's a great life.

If you don't think you are getting what you deserve, then use your "selling skill@ and go find a better opportunity. Or work hard, get promoted, put in long hours and heavy travel, and reach for the ring. That's a lot of hard work, though.

For the value you deliver each day, you're probably comfortable and overpaid. Enjoy it while it lasts.

That's pure humor . Reach for the ring ! What are you frodo ? Aren't we self important , middle school winner of the spelling bee and still so proud of that one special moment . I suspect your ego is larger than your ???? That's from a female rep who has won awards here and elsewhere and thinks elsewhere is where she wants to be now days .

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