ORACEA payouts- what a disgrace to the salesforce


Drug cost less than $ 2.50 to manufacture
Profit margin upwards of $182 per script
Company make millions each quarter
Reps paid on less than 10 scripts of profit per quarter and average over 1200 per quarter on the low end
Something is definitely wrong and we are taking it.


My quota is over 3000 and I made $750. What a joke to try hard to the next few
levels up and make $2500. No one will be at 100% in the division.

My entire district is looking to move on- Bye Bye Galderma the company that cares
more about profit than paying a fare and achievable commission to it's reps.

My quota is over 3000 and I made $750. What a joke to try hard to the next few
levels up and make $2500. No one will be at 100% in the division.

My entire district is looking to move on- Bye Bye Galderma the company that cares
more about profit than paying a fare and achievable commission to it's reps.

the more responsible posts on this site have been speaking the truth about the leadership and the focus on profit over people - over long term employees and over your career. Time to get moving on- they could care less about you and they want the same margins on these older drugs that they had 10 years ago. The cost of doing business and the business has changed so the leadership has decided to take it out on their employees and they will lay you off or downsize at the drop of hat. Was not always that way but that is the way they have decided to manage the business now.

no emotions - just facts leadership changing people at the top and company directives at every turn products and patents running out of steam. Company going down the drain and that results in very low profits and of course payouts to the sales team.

So happy Brian is back, all is going the right direction... Don't listen to the negatives.

What an imbecile or I guess if you are too stupid to understand that word , try dump ass . Brian won't give a dam . They get paid different than us you home office shill .

Just look at this latest card change debacle , no one at home office is dealing with furious providers , they don't care ! Only language they understand will be mass exodus and I plan on voting on this running joke with my feet .

"right direction " ? Really ? Are you that pathetic or just smokin that green stuff ? Please leave your name next time you'll go far around here weakling !

Brian back - really? He was a very average rep, average manager second banana on a marketing team of two , then a failed National sales manager with Porto on the acne team. simply a talking head or empty suit - take your pick ! Good talker, but not much substance. Follows AD over to Europe and travels around to little affiliates with power point slides from the US marketing team. Now back. So what! he does not understand the payer groups or managed care, access issues - etc etc. Spent time in Europe with protected low profit Rx products. He is not the guy to lead us out of this mess and will be nothing more than a hand puppet for these Euro clowns. I agree with the other posts that it is time to vote with your feet. Finally, How many posts have we seen over the last few years that stated Stuart is the answer or Todd or Safia with her extensive resume are now the saviors and will lead us to the promise land? Seen too many coming and going in a relatively short amount of time to now think that this ass kisser and perennial average to below average performer is going to raise this thing up. It is not going to happen and you heard it here first.

So happy Brian is back, all is going the right direction... Don't listen to the negatives.
Thanks HR, Anybody that has been here for any length of time i.e. on the acne team knows Brian really did not bring much in fact we did not do that well when he was a National but he is a guy that kept getting promoted for some reason.

probably not the answer.

Galderma pays out entire sales force for the quarter less than 1 round trip airfare and week Hotel stay for CEO Humberto Antunes in Texas.
Did you know Galderma pays $8.600 per night for executives for residency in Switzerland. a bit
excessive when the US sales force makes les than $12,000 in commission per year.

Oh yeah, they can earn up to $110,000 in commission per year, that's what it says in writing so it must be obtainable.

Galderma pays out entire sales force for the quarter less than 1 round trip airfare and week Hotel stay for CEO Humberto Antunes in Texas.
Did you know Galderma pays $8.600 per night for executives for residency in Switzerland. a bit
excessive when the US sales force makes les than $12,000 in commission per year.

Oh yeah, they can earn up to $110,000 in commission per year, that's what it says in writing so it must be obtainable.

I think $8.60 is very budget savvy for executives in residency ;):p . C'mon man what did you expect when the company has a garden nome as CEO , what is he 4 foot something ? My poodle is bigger . Stick around the national meeting promises more glowing speeches about how we are #1 in derm thanks to your hard unrewarded work . #riseup

Being relatively new to Galderma, but not Pharma, I am disgusted with Tracy's video. His condescending approach was completely demotivating. He basically said our sales people are not guaranteed commission? Why are we in sales Tracy? Not for the measly base salary which is much lower than industry standard. And please do not get me started on the company car comment. Our competition is filled with ex Galderma employers making 20-50K a quarter in commission. What I learned was I was duped by the hiring manager. She sold me into the position by showing me a 'robust' commission plan where I could make 80K in commission. I left my previous pharm job thinking Galderma is one of the leaders in Dermatology, I get to launch a brand new drug, and make decent commission along the way. What a mistake. Galderma has great products, sales reps, and a handful of DMs. Other than that there are no true leaders in this organization. Tracy, how can you tell me that the purpose of classifying every target in my routing is to make money when you know you have no intention of paying out commissions. There are some real issues here and hopefully Galderma gets rid of Tracy, his minions and his antiquated sales expectations. Maybe it is time to find real solutions to all the problems and a leader who recognizes paying commissions will motivate the reps to sell that much harder. How can this organization not see that regardless of the division, the same part of this country keeps seeing reps turn over? These reps are leaving because there are much better opportunities out there and they live in an area of the country where Galderma's base salary is not enough to pay the bills. It is time to address the issues in difficult markets, and motivate the reps by incentizing them with commissions. Stop enticing the reps with bogus commission plans where no one will get paid and contests where only 4 reps will get PowerPoints. Tracy nice try with the ten minute video, but what it told me was you are in way over your head. Thanks for the video. You did a great job of motivating me to polish up my resume and email it to any and every recruiter. You have more than convinced me it is time to find a real sales job that pays real commission.

Being relatively new to Galderma, but not Pharma, I am disgusted with Tracy's video. His condescending approach was completely demotivating. He basically said our sales people are not guaranteed commission? Why are we in sales Tracy? Not for the measly base salary which is much lower than industry standard. And please do not get me started on the company car comment. Our competition is filled with ex Galderma employers making 20-50K a quarter in commission. What I learned was I was duped by the hiring manager. She sold me into the position by showing me a 'robust' commission plan where I could make 80K in commission. I left my previous pharm job thinking Galderma is one of the leaders in Dermatology, I get to launch a brand new drug, and make decent commission along the way. What a mistake. Galderma has great products, sales reps, and a handful of DMs. Other than that there are no true leaders in this organization. Tracy, how can you tell me that the purpose of classifying every target in my routing is to make money when you know you have no intention of paying out commissions. There are some real issues here and hopefully Galderma gets rid of Tracy, his minions and his antiquated sales expectations. Maybe it is time to find real solutions to all the problems and a leader who recognizes paying commissions will motivate the reps to sell that much harder. How can this organization not see that regardless of the division, the same part of this country keeps seeing reps turn over? These reps are leaving because there are much better opportunities out there and they live in an area of the country where Galderma's base salary is not enough to pay the bills. It is time to address the issues in difficult markets, and motivate the reps by incentizing them with commissions. Stop enticing the reps with bogus commission plans where no one will get paid and contests where only 4 reps will get PowerPoints. Tracy nice try with the ten minute video, but what it told me was you are in way over your head. Thanks for the video. You did a great job of motivating me to polish up my resume and email it to any and every recruiter. You have more than convinced me it is time to find a real sales job that pays real commission.

Being relatively new to Galderma, but not Pharma, I am disgusted with Tracy's video. His condescending approach was completely demotivating. He basically said our sales people are not guaranteed commission? Why are we in sales Tracy? Not for the measly base salary which is much lower than industry standard. And please do not get me started on the company car comment. Our competition is filled with ex Galderma employers making 20-50K a quarter in commission. What I learned was I was duped by the hiring manager. She sold me into the position by showing me a 'robust' commission plan where I could make 80K in commission. I left my previous pharm job thinking Galderma is one of the leaders in Dermatology, I get to launch a brand new drug, and make decent commission along the way. What a mistake. Galderma has great products, sales reps, and a handful of DMs. Other than that there are no true leaders in this organization. Tracy, how can you tell me that the purpose of classifying every target in my routing is to make money when you know you have no intention of paying out commissions. There are some real issues here and hopefully Galderma gets rid of Tracy, his minions and his antiquated sales expectations. Maybe it is time to find real solutions to all the problems and a leader who recognizes paying commissions will motivate the reps to sell that much harder. How can this organization not see that regardless of the division, the same part of this country keeps seeing reps turn over? These reps are leaving because there are much better opportunities out there and they live in an area of the country where Galderma's base salary is not enough to pay the bills. It is time to address the issues in difficult markets, and motivate the reps by incentizing them with commissions. Stop enticing the reps with bogus commission plans where no one will get paid and contests where only 4 reps will get PowerPoints. Tracy nice try with the ten minute video, but what it told me was you are in way over your head. Thanks for the video. You did a great job of motivating me to polish up my resume and email it to any and every recruiter. You have more than convinced me it is time to find a real sales job that pays real commission.

I hear ya , u r spot on . 100% correct . My recruiter has many Galderma resumes on their desk right now . This division just sucks right now. Just read these posts !

Truth be told, you all sound like a bunch of babies. You work from 10-4 and create as little value as possible. You're overpaid. Most only have a bachelor's degree from a 3rd or 4th rate school. The future will not be kind to you. Entitlement and ungratefulness are enemies of growth and success.

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