
What happened to the rep layoffs after 1st quarter? Jeez...some of you predict things as accurately as Peter & Co. predict this stock as poised to take off! Who cares what the home office is doing? The reps are still cashing fat checks.

Huh? “Commercial execution” was holding us back? Good to know. Let me see if I got this right. Peter and Ramy couldn’t land a plan so let’s see if Ramy can do this with Peter whispering from the beach? Anybody up there paying attention? CFO quits. CCO #3 quits. CEO out the door with a consulting gig. And we’re supposed to think CCO #4 can fix this but now with no medical affairs, fewer reps and account managers, even less marketing, and no training? The Cool-Aid’s sour! Migraine was a bust. NP is failing. CS is delayed. 13 years without one successful year and you’re blaming commercial execution? Yawn. Listen up! If we’re not going to invest in a plan, just sell the joint and we can all get on with it.

Isn’t CCO #4 ex Sanofi? I wouldn’t expect much. The number of companies Sanofi leaders have destroyed far outweighs any they have elevated (mallinkrodt, avadel, ascendis, eisai, intercept). Dude is just here to get a title that he hopes he can leverage elsewhere in a year.

I just read an article about Optinose last week. In the article they said there is an 86% chance of the nose going bankrupt in the next 24 months. I know yall are not numbers guys so spoiler alert - that is not good.

The writing has been on the wall for quite a long time. Give it six months and when they are rolling up the carpet and closing shop some of their current managers will be saying “I am so shocked it came just out of the Blu”. But not!!

I suppose they dismissed the layoff idea and thought it better to continue until they cannot any longer and just close the doors. I thought perhaps they would at least try to unload it first. Odd that they did not. Also crazy that the stock is within striking distance of $1.00 per share!

Sadly, yes. They continue to circle the drain, yet somehow avoid going down. The smart money says the cash will be depleted by year end. Only time will tell if the Nose will be around in 2024