
I'm certainly no fan of this loser company that treats people like pawns, bit this take from today's CNN Financial baffles me...most analysts I research still consider this dog a "buy":

"The current consensus among 5 polled investment analysts is to buy stock in OptiNose Inc. This rating has held steady since November, when it was unchanged from a buy rating."

What's up with that?

I wouldn’t put too much stock into that. If you recall the IPO was at $28.00. At that time there were several investment firms (Cantor Fitzgerald among them) that were confident that the stock would take off like a rocket and that it was a terrific investment. Since the stock is currently selling at less than $2.00 per share, clearly they were very wrong. I would say they have learned little since the IPO. Math doesn’t lie. This company has a very limited run.

The same analysts poured money into Madoff and Bad Loans and many other bankrupt companies like this one.
The reps bought another 90 days but unless the new sales genius can pull a miracle its bye bye for them.

I thought I had everyone fooled with my hiring choices. I assumed when the Vice Presidents told everyone how great they were, people would believe them. I guess the minions are not as dumb as I thought.


Any minute this stock is going to take off. It’s not my fault that it’s down below $2.00 per share. Given enough time (and excuses) I could explain away all of this. I just wasn’t given enough time. I certainly did not think I would be holding the door for everyone on the way out. They were all supposed to go before me.

Peace out Girl Scouts, I’m off to find my next train wreck.


I resemble that remark. And if we are being honest, its not that im interrupting much work. Between playing the little video games, naming our self driving cars and checking our Ashley Madison profiles multiple times a day, theres not a hell of a lot getting done. Add to that the time needed to code ourself personalities its simply overwhelming. Im starting to realize why the Nose is where it is.


Huh? “Commercial execution” was holding us back? Good to know. Let me see if I got this right. Peter and Ramy couldn’t land a plan so let’s see if Ramy can do this with Peter whispering from the beach? Anybody up there paying attention? CFO quits. CCO #3 quits. CEO out the door with a consulting gig. And we’re supposed to think CCO #4 can fix this but now with no medical affairs, fewer reps and account managers, even less marketing, and no training? The Cool-Aid’s sour! Migraine was a bust. NP is failing. CS is delayed. 13 years without one successful year and you’re blaming commercial execution? Yawn. Listen up! If we’re not going to invest in a plan, just sell the joint and we can all get on with it.