Make sure you look at historical sales for whatever territory you are interviewing for. There is no chance you will make quota with doctors using the product "on label", just be aware. Right now the mentality is "doctors can use it wherever they want" but this won't last. As soon as something happens and the FDA/Shire catches wind of how this is being marketed, game over. Its already turned into a culture of having to cover our asses with Shire in the mix. This will only get worse with more rules, training, compliance, etc. Established reps have their doctors using it already and should be fine. New reps will be forced to disregard rules and do whatever it takes to make quota. If not, you will be fired. If so and caught, you will be fired.
Umm hello. Didn't you get the email last week that the Dept of Justice is investigating sales and marketing practices of ABH? They will stand on stage and tell you to do it the right way, but without getting business off-label there is no way to make quota. This place is fucked.