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Ophthalmology Postings


Yes-so they could rehire at a lower salary!


I hope this blows up in their faces.[/QUOTE

I don’t know who Sam and Patrick are as I don’t work in this part of the org. But it is not them who decided. Maybe they are the next in line to go. This is NVS policy after the debacles in drug sales, fines and lawsuits. You earn less, you stay otherwise you are gone. No one cares about quality anymore. It is outsourcing to the cheapest and hiring the cheapest. There just needs to be a head count. The severance packages are ok because they know the garbage they are in and it is their way of saving the reputation by avoiding lawsuits. It was worse with the layoffs announced last year. In the long run, this cheap hiring will cause a big headache for NVS but by then the current decision makers will probably be gone leaving the dirt to the future leadership for clean up just as the current leadership is dealing with the previous administration’s fall out.

Wait...didn’t we just fire people from these exact positions on Friday?
Welcome to what is going on since last couple of years. No surprise there. The DOJ needs to investigate this. It is not firing but it is a lay-off. They locate employees who will not cause a problem due to these shady practices, give them a severance that they feel will shut them up and then hire cheap. This will one day come to haunt them. Just look what is happening in medical and regulatory since last two years.

Yes-so they could rehire at a lower salary!


I hope this blows up in their faces.
company and HR policy under Vas in all franchises and departments due to deplorable sales, fines and lawsuits. Idea concocted by senior management and HR who have been here for years so they can be here forever and retire swimming in money.

It must be a Swiss company type of thing. Roche more or less did the same thing with Genentech. Having worked for them, I’ll never work for a Swiss based company again and will sell used cars first