Operation Screwjob: ABM Promotions

I agree with the last post. My partner never made 25 RSU's more than I did. He was an ABM III and I was an ABM II. You are right, they lost so many talented reps, they are trying to make people feel good about themselves by giving them a bullshit promotion, without any salary increase, to keep them to stay. This also may signal a buyout sooner than you think, because ABM III's may get a better severance package than ABM II's. Check out the severance agreement and see if this is included in it. Upper management may just be trying to help out the newer reps with a better severance package because a buyout is about to happen really soon.

As if your company hasn't received warning letters about promotion. Do you think there's anyone here who doesn't realize you're just a bitter sales rep who was laid off from Biogen? So many years later, and you're still not over Spyglass. Just accept that you weren't good enough. You didn't make the cut. Too bad, so sad.

So you think my company has received warning letters, do you? OK, which company would that be? If you think that I am a bitter, laid off sales rep from Biogen, you should be able to provide the answer to that question very easily. But why do I think you are just blowing smoke out your ass.

So you think my company has received warning letters, do you? OK, which company would that be? If you think that I am a bitter, laid off sales rep from Biogen, you should be able to provide the answer to that question very easily. But why do I think you are just blowing smoke out your ass.

Name your company, and I'll show you a warning letter, Big Guy. That's the point. They're commonplace. Taking a job with a competitor because you got canned at Biogen doesn't make you holier than the next guy.

I've seen you on basically every discussion thread. You're so obvious. It's well known where you're coming from. No one takes your posts seriously.

Name your company, and I'll show you a warning letter, Big Guy. That's the point. They're commonplace. Taking a job with a competitor because you got canned at Biogen doesn't make you holier than the next guy.

I've seen you on basically every discussion thread. You're so obvious. It's well known where you're coming from. No one takes your posts seriously.

So you think that I got canned by Biogen and that I'm someone who has posted in other threads? Well, you are 0 for 2 in the prediction game. Care to try for number 3.

To the guy who thinks ABM III status will earn him more RSU's....wrong!!! These are decided in a big room with all the RD's deciding on all the ABMs and the difference in how many each ABM receives is minimal, regardless of how awesome you think you are. Their hands are tied and they all blow smoke to make you feel important.

You may be right about the sheep sitting in a big room deciding on which ABMs get what, but the range of RSUs is greater for ABM IIIs than ABM IIs. That's a fact!

So you think that I got canned by Biogen and that I'm someone who has posted in other threads? Well, you are 0 for 2 in the prediction game. Care to try for number 3.

Whatever you say. At least the other whining baby from your previous argument was smart enough to retire eventually. You're too much of a loser to ever give it up.

Whatever you say. At least the other whining baby from your previous argument was smart enough to retire eventually. You're too much of a loser to ever give it up.

I believe the definition of a "loser" is someone who works for Biogen and has to read the daily tirade of nasty postings made to each other. Sounds like the company's days are numbered.

Look....Nobody is getting fired from Biogen, they're feed up with bullshit like it was stated in the original post. Look around, see a lot of new faces on your team. That speaks volumes!

Why anyone wastes time here claiming that another person is a loser or was fired is beyond me. I don't care if someone is still at BIIB or not or why they left. Speaking in a negative manner of posters is likely a HR poster whose job it is to spit out diversions of the truth. I notice that everytime I posted the facts there were those who mocked my posts. Time always proved they were true.

As another person pointed out the reality BIIB has a limited shelf life--2-3 yrs. Scangos has one goal which is to sell this company to the highest bidder. He will get a massive bonus when that has been done. The recent layoffs are only the first step to making the balance sheet look good. His hires are all good at selling off companies and nothing else. The board is going along wtih Papa Carls plans and now that Genzyme has finally caved in they will focus on getting BIIB sold.

Bonuses, promotions and salary increases will be substandard to help with the balance sheets
Hang onto your job and hope for a good severance or move on --its your choice.

I agree BIIB has generally been a very good place but it did not reached its full potential. Its been rotting from the inside out and no one treated the ulcerations. Now its too late and the smell of death is in the air. Look up the vultures have been circling for a while. Chunks of flesh have been torn off (SD/ Oncology/Cardio). The whole beast will be devoured by a pack of hyenas in time.

^LOL. You really believe that it is a joke? We need to be worried about this - if we still want to make money. In two years it will be mainstream for MS and the neuros wont be able to sell the drugs any longer because they will have fewer patients.