Opening (Lung)

hmmm. when I first read this I thought, who cares? they try to figure out what the competition does in a market. Then I thought about it, and it is mis-leading us. It is like parasites...making money off this and then I am sure these posts are just the tip of the ice burg of how they get people to spill.

You read your own post and thought "who cares?" Yes, so did everyone else.
I think you need a name, how about TinFoilHatTroll? Really, it's easy to get a username here at CP and you really do need some kind of identity in your sorry ass life.


Lung team is stepping overall each other and being managed (no leadership) top down. Not a fun place to be with no voice. Matter of time before another reorg to fix this mess....

So I should be happy that I didn't get the offer? Clearly I wasn't bummed out that I couldn't travel in a pack with the other lung rep and the GI rep and walk in hand-in-hand brandishing our wares to the warm reception of every onc practice in the territory?

Lung team is stepping overall each other and being managed (no leadership) top down. Not a fun place to be with no voice. Matter of time before another reorg to fix this mess....

What do you think they'll do, cut a lung rep? Or will they wait until 2016 on aPGL-1? Colon is the best place. 30% of business is lung 60% is colon and 10% off label. They should make territories larger. I also wonder if they'll end up waiting until 2019 when the patent expires and make a change.

Stay away from the lung team. Became part of that team with the shuffle early in the year and it is not the place to be. Sr leadership has their favorites and any sign of the old Genentech culture is gone. Good ole' boy system. Would think twice about coming to Genentech unless you are a fan of checkbox leadership. Customers view us very negative bc there are so many of us and some ones needs to step up and fix this last cluster that was created. When there is competition GNE is toast!