Opening in Orlando

not really sure what this dude is trying to do. Your posts aren't funny, the name that you think is so humorous doesn't make any sense to anyone but you, and no one is sure what your motivation is. We know who was hired so how about YOU move on ,troll?

not really sure what this dude is trying to do. Your posts aren't funny, the name that you think is so humorous doesn't make any sense to anyone but you, and no one is sure what your motivation is. We know who was hired so how about YOU move on ,troll?

Jon is a class act. You will all see that very soon. Posts were never meant to be funny so not sure why you said what you said. I do hope your day gets better!

JG wasted Alks money by conducting interviews. The friend from Pfizer hire was in place for a while now, but he is smart and went through the proper human resource process to "document" interviews.

What a Sham(e) for the culture at Alkermes.

JG wasted Alks money by conducting interviews. The friend from Pfizer hire was in place for a while now, but he is smart and went through the proper human resource process to "document" interviews.

What a Sham(e) for the culture at Alkermes.

Very true. The DBL was a done deal. Hoping that isn't the case with the Orlando TBM. Any word if that position is filled? And was it was another Pfizer alum?

Orlando team had our first conf call with our new boss Jon today. Very good guy. He has high expectations but seems fair. Other than an odd last name (Coktoasten) seems to be the real deal. When asked what kind of name is Coktoasten, he simply said "Scottish-Indian".

Jon is as advertised. Worked with him on Monday and he is the real deal. The sky is the limit for this guy.