Booty calls?
That's what I think. It is very inappropriate to call your manager that late. Does he/she have no boundaries with their reps?
Booty calls?
Isn't it inappropriate for employees to call their managers at 11:00 pm? Not once but several times?
I agree, that is unexceptable behavior. But than again it seems like this whole company is known for that. People do stuff that should get reported and fired and nothing, just a slap on the hand if even that.
I wonder if they are married and their spouses know.
That's not hard to figure out .... If you had that moron managing you .. You would leave as well.
Does all of New England report to the idiot in Rhode Island?
We should all get together and write a book entitled "How NOT to Run a Pharmaceutical Company". Might be a best seller.
Chapter 1- "Don't attempt to build a plane while flying it at 30,000 ft."