Open positions

Pay is subpar. Managers are micromanagers. Vp of sales is a wannabe. Ed is a sleeper. Don’t come. They are trying to package us to look profitable then sell. We have zero tools.

Well, if everything was okay why would anybody leave unless of course the salary was better and other compensations were on par with the industry. People also do not leave just because of money and benefits, the most common reason to leave is lack of leadership and vision . That is the Radius I know

Short term gig. One product. Generics coming into the market. No pipeline, literally no research organization whatsoever. Was all shit down. Don’t bother listening to HR bullshit just look at the website. There is literally no pipeline. And comp is based on conversions not scripts so if access is tough in your territory be prepared to get paid for half your work!!! But if they put enough on the table and it works for you go for it.

Well, if everything was okay why would anybody leave unless of course the salary was better and other compensations were on par with the industry. People also do not leave just because of money and benefits, the most common reason to leave is lack of leadership and vision . That is the Radius I know
Talk to the people who left. It was stupid money being thrown at them, and they’re quickly finding out that the grass isn’t greener.

Radius is my 4th company, I have never had the chance to launch a big product, joined each company mid stream for like the last 4 or 5 years of a product’s cycle, have heard it all before, the efforts these company’s will take to keep people on board until the end never fail to amaze me, but now I just take it with a grain of salt, radius has one product and leaders who are trying really hard to package the company for a sale, that’s getting obvious, and they are trying very hard to keep us selling. I have seen this show before and it’s just how it rolls. There will be another job when this one tanks which could be a couple years from now, it’s just a guess, but the crap they are slinging is an old song! Control what you can control, stay focused on what you have today!!! Heard it all before over and over.

Nice people though in the fox holes and trenches, and I think we have more years than you fear, I don’t think we are facing a cliff any time soon. There is no pipeline but I don’t think it matters all that much right now. We have time.

Radius is my 4th company, I have never had the chance to launch a big product, joined each company mid stream for like the last 4 or 5 years of a product’s cycle, have heard it all before, the efforts these company’s will take to keep people on board until the end never fail to amaze me, but now I just take it with a grain of salt, radius has one product and leaders who are trying really hard to package the company for a sale, that’s getting obvious, and they are trying very hard to keep us selling. I have seen this show before and it’s just how it rolls. There will be another job when this one tanks which could be a couple years from now, it’s just a guess, but the crap they are slinging is an old song! Control what you can control, stay focused on what you have today!!! Heard it all before over and over.
Right up until the end? The end of what? If we sell to someone or don’t sell, that doesn’t mean I do or don’t have a job. Lots of people who are still working at Radius who have been through a sell before. I have a good product, I work with good people, and I make good money. That’s all I care about.