Open Letter

fu#k you and your fake approaches. Throwing all BS sincere shite around about you looking for a marketing position and a close friggin' family member who works here. Bite all of us! Its so obvious you are one of those needy paid-off marketing trolls looking for free information! You are not curious- You are a greedy whore.

My sister works at Orasure. I wanted to invest in the company. She told me about the co-marketing with Abbvie. Good lord, take a chill. I run a small tax business and have a portfolio of investments on the side. My husband works for a biotech that does not compete with you.

I know she was in Chicago this week for some presentation on God-knows-what. Bottom line, I don't give a rat's rear about your marketing plans. And I consider myself more a Hobbit than a troll.

fu#k you and your fake approaches. Throwing all BS sincere shite around about you looking for a marketing position and a close friggin' family member who works here. Bite all of us! Its so obvious you are one of those needy paid-off marketing trolls looking for free information! You are not curious- You are a greedy whore.

This response is so funny...if you only knew how paranoid you are.

Something has got to give.Let's look at what has happened over the last 18 months
1. We had to hire all these Vertex people because they were the best of the best. I haven't seen it.
2. We decided to launch another me too RBV. Strike 2.
3. We had to work with OraSure. Strike 3.
4. How about those truck drivers. Strike 4
5. We came to market with a product that has an inferior product profile. Strike 5.
6. We had a horrible managed care strategy and Gilead cleaned up. Strike 6.
7. Proceed is a joke. Strike 7.
8. We've missed every goal and continue to bring our numbers down and no one can see the floor to this free fall. Strike 8.
9. The internal culture is a nightmare. Strike 9.
10. Our structure was too build and too many people doing too many things. Strike 10
10. Our future products will continue to keep us as a niche player in this HCV market. Strike 11.
Thank god this isn't a baseball game.
When will it end


Rx are growing and a positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.

Are you a believer of that idiot woman? What's her name Marianne Williamson who wrote that idiotic book The Gift? You just believe & have positive thoughts & you'll achieve your goals? Then believe you have wings & can fly & then jump off a 10 story building. I 'd like to see what happens!

Woohoo we have 8 new scripts above what we normally pull in- whoop dee fuckin doo.
It's over, it's been over. We are not viewed as a threat by Gilead.

Let's be honest here. Over 95% of the posts here are written by message board trolls that are short ABBV and ENTA common stock and have never worked for Abbvie or even know anyone that does. These lowlifes live meaningless and pathetic lives. Imagine spending your loser life trying to cause damage to a blockbuster drug franchise (ie, V-Pak) that is curing thousands of people a month of a deadly disease.

Let's be honest here. Over 95% of the posts here are written by message board trolls that are short ABBV and ENTA common stock and have never worked for Abbvie or even know anyone that does. These lowlifes live meaningless and pathetic lives. Imagine spending your loser life trying to cause damage to a blockbuster drug franchise (ie, V-Pak) that is curing thousands of people a month of a deadly disease.

I could not agree more.

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