Open letter to NVS management

Management could change all of this by simply cracking down and do some simple surveillance but they don't.

Remember the Strip Club/American Express fiasco? They were startled to find Strip clubs were using alias business names. Could you imagine if they actually ran iPad/cell phone/gas receipts and reconciled those to location and time?

Remember the Strip Club/American Express fiasco? They were startled to find Strip clubs were using alias business names. Could you imagine if they actually ran iPad/cell phone/gas receipts and reconciled those to location and time?

Startled ? You're joking right ? The upper echelons knew precisely what was going on & if anything encouraged it , all in the name of 'sales' of course

Startled ? You're joking right ? The upper echelons knew precisely what was going on & if anything encouraged it , all in the name of 'sales' of course

You may have had a manager that encouraged it at one time, but that ceased quickly. It's not an accepted practice. Try going to Ricks and put down lap dances and drinks - see what happens.

You may have had a manager that encouraged it at one time, but that ceased quickly. It's not an accepted practice. Try going to Ricks and put down lap dances and drinks - see what happens.

A manager as in 1 ? LOL !!! Seriously ? you should have a clown show.
Ceased ? after how many managers were canned ?
& btw it never ceases , only morphs .

...maybe,'s quality over quantity. knowing where you need to be at the right time is very important and valuable, a shotgun approach rarely works - big pharma wouldn't understand because they moved from sales to marketing long ago.

then fire the ones that use the shotgun approach and then raise the goals of you smart guys so that you actually have to work.

then fire the ones that use the shotgun approach and then raise the goals of you smart guys so that you actually have to work.

Profits will rise for the company - and the good workers will be rewarded by bonus - the bad ones gone.

If they don't fire people - then the cancer grows. It must be waaay too difficult to fire people from matching gas/time receipts vs city reported, clinics seen...or waaay too many people are F'n off for the company function properly. Because they don't do it either way.