Open letter to NVS management


...maybe,'s quality over quantity. knowing where you need to be at the right time is very important and valuable, a shotgun approach rarely works - big pharma wouldn't understand because they moved from sales to marketing long ago.

You are a loser. What comes around goes around fella!

Get to work!!

Well that is about what Reps expect from management representation. Sales Reps are F'n off and management yells loser...all the while - the reps have no where to go. They're paid way too much for just lunch dates. Before or after - there simply no offices for Reps to call on - RNs, Office Managers etc are the same as MDs - they don't have time for Sales Reps in the office.

Well that is about what Reps expect from management representation. Sales Reps are F'n off and management yells loser...all the while - the reps have no where to go. They're paid way too much for just lunch dates. Before or after - there simply no offices for Reps to call on - RNs, Office Managers etc are the same as MDs - they don't have time for Sales Reps in the office.

The question is - if everyone in management is aware of it - why are Reps paid so much for working so little?

Let there be no doubt - management is very aware the majority of Sales Reps don't work a full week.

Oh they care all right - it's just if they go on a firing binge then they'll have to go on a hiring binge and training binge - and since they believe a sales force adds to the bottom line...that would be affected big time.

They aren't about to go out and start firing all you Reps - just don't make noise about what you don't do, pretend to do what you tell your manager you do, don't be so far out of your territory you can't communicate - because you're out hunting turkeys or fishing. Don't get caught - and you can goof off all you want and get paid.

On an average week I spend close to 30 hours in my car driving to accounts in my (large) territory. Then a couple hours in an account, try to get in 4-6 calls a I a slacker?

I knew a guy in the west that traveled so much he spent an average of 5 days a month at home.

On an average week I spend close to 30 hours in my car driving to accounts in my (large) territory. Then a couple hours in an account, try to get in 4-6 calls a I a slacker?

I knew a guy in the west that traveled so much he spent an average of 5 days a month at home.

Generally speaking most Oncology Reps have territories that are quite large.
Hours behind the wheel is part of the job.

In larger cities where there are more than a few group practices - it makes it nicer (no drive time), but we're still only going to see one account that day.

My Manger has no problem flying in late - doing lunch at a group practice, and being taken back to the hotel for the rest of the day. If he's going to work 2 days with me - he'll leave early the next day.

Managers know we have to call in favors to see anybody else outside of our scheduled lunch appointments.

Upper management is well aware that we cater. Upper management knows that daily access is limited to catering lunch - we're not fooling anybody. We're going to see whoever at a group practice for lunch and then that's it for the day. This "open" letter is bull shit.

There's no doubt that access has changed over the years. But you are severely exaggerating to say we can't get in anywhere without a lunch. Each territory is different. There's lots of offices where it's appt only and others I can just walk in. If you're only going to your lunch and drive time isn't the issue, then you are the slacker.

There's no doubt that access has changed over the years. But you are severely exaggerating to say we can't get in anywhere without a lunch. Each territory is different. There's lots of offices where it's appt only and others I can just walk in. If you're only going to your lunch and drive time isn't the issue, then you are the slacker.

You are right - each territory is different. Drive time can be an issue in Oncology - but it's not the limiting factor, nor is it the dominate one. Are you in Oncology - or just chiming in?

Any Onc territory where Reps make appointments on a daily basis is an exception. That guy might be a slacker for all I know, but it's clear most of Onc territories must be catered. Onc Reps (at least us - in our area) don't have but 3 or 4 places that'll make appointments. And I can't say those that do are high priority calls. It just doesn't work that way. And drive time is always an issue for geographically remote areas.

I wish I had places I could go when I have a visitor drop in - fortunately my manager worked in Oncology and knows the ropes - so he doesn't bust my butt over it.

Most business is like have to have a set appointment to see a decision maker and you are limited by their schedules and rules....

In a previous sales career I often would carry clients to dinner because the day office hours were not condusive, in another industry I could only see purchasing agent mostly by appointment, which sometimes meant carrying them out to a restuarant for lunch or bringing in some dounuts and coffee in the early mornings (often before 7:00.) - sound familiar. The rest of my day was spent "cold calling" which is much like I do in pharma and I'd knock off around 3:00.....that was respectful to the clients time....but with pharma I make almost 3x more than I did back then....that's why it's a better gig.

Get up, go do your job as best as you can and try to make it fun when you'll improve your outlook, if not, then this may not be the job for you.

Most business is like have to have a set appointment to see a decision maker and you are limited by their schedules and rules....

In a previous sales career I often would carry clients to dinner because the day office hours were not condusive, in another industry I could only see purchasing agent mostly by appointment, which sometimes meant carrying them out to a restuarant for lunch or bringing in some dounuts and coffee in the early mornings (often before 7:00.) - sound familiar. The rest of my day was spent "cold calling" which is much like I do in pharma and I'd knock off around 3:00.....that was respectful to the clients time....but with pharma I make almost 3x more than I did back then....that's why it's a better gig.

Get up, go do your job as best as you can and try to make it fun when you'll improve your outlook, if not, then this may not be the job for you.

My outlook is fine - I get recognized and rewarded a LOT for the job I do.

Most - maybe not ALL of us - but most of us - don't put in a 5 day work week much less a full day any given day of the week. Slacker? No - Typically Oncology is a division where Reps cater. Even if I were to cater every day of the week - I still wouldn't put in a full day.

Management is aware, but they can't go on a firing spree. Too many award winners to fire.

Any Onc territory where Reps make appointments on a daily basis is an exception. That guy might be a slacker for all I know, but it's clear most of Onc territories must be catered. Onc Reps (at least us - in our area) don't have but 3 or 4 places that'll make appointments. And I can't say those that do are high priority calls. It just doesn't work that way. And drive time is always an issue for geographically remote areas.

I wish I had places I could go when I have a visitor drop in - fortunately my manager worked in Oncology and knows the ropes - so he doesn't bust my butt over it.

Ya, but some mgrs. that were in Oncology seem to forget they were in oncology and think they have to work with you all day while all you do is go to an office and ask if you can see the doc and they say no! Maybe it's because he's a new mgr. I don't know I can just say it's really a drag!

Any Onc territory where Reps make appointments on a daily basis is an exception. That guy might be a slacker for all I know, but it's clear most of Onc territories must be catered. Onc Reps (at least us - in our area) don't have but 3 or 4 places that'll make appointments. And I can't say those that do are high priority calls. It just doesn't work that way. And drive time is always an issue for geographically remote areas.

I wish I had places I could go when I have a visitor drop in - fortunately my manager worked in Oncology and knows the ropes - so he doesn't bust my butt over it.

I agree, walk in office for the most part are useless docs. If you have been in a territory for a long time and have those great relationships that are few and far between you can walk in and wait to see a doc. This is not the norm anymore though.

On a day to day basis the best Reps serve lunch and then go home. I know. Multiple VIP, Presidents Awards and Corner Stone - we're paid too much.

YES senior management does this regularly at sales meetings, BS ride alongs, and day to day paper trails! Reps do bring the business, try letting us go and see! LOL...