Open letter to Geoff

Well did Geoff incorporate all of your suggestions into his FY24 performance goals? I agree Medtronic leadership is a hot mess and can’t wait to see his annual
compensation package.

I see your frustration and agree with you, sadly, as long as he is here at Medtronic as CEO, decline is inevitable!! He is so out of touch with the normal Operator on the ground, the Engineers who manage and develop product and even management.... it is scary. He has given TownHalls on holidays in expensive villas and told R&D that to cut costs, some functions are needed to be added later than before. He really does not now anything about product development or our problems to date. May he leave sooner rather than later and we can all progress

I see your frustration and agree with you, sadly, as long as he is here at Medtronic as CEO, decline is inevitable!! He is so out of touch with the normal Operator on the ground, the Engineers who manage and develop product and even management.... it is scary. He has given TownHalls on holidays in expensive villas and told R&D that to cut costs, some functions are needed to be added later than before. He really does not now anything about product development or our problems to date. May he leave sooner rather than later and we can all progress
Until everyone is writing the board on a daily basis to oust him he will carry on. It would also be helpful if senior management had a back bone and openly criticized the executive leadership.

Until everyone is writing the board on a daily basis to oust him he will carry on. It would also be helpful if senior management had a back bone and openly criticized the executive leadership.
Set the example there braveheart. Next town hall raise your hand and speak up. I bet my pension you won’t.

Here's Geoff's problem:
He's a white guy hockey player from Penn State. You can't get much further from DEI than that. However, because MDT is now so woke, focused on color and sex, he can't act like his true self and has been neutered. He know DEI is bull shit and Sally Saba is a fraud but he can't say what he really thinks for fear of the SJW backlash.
On the subject of GM's ability to lead. Look at at it this way. GM has been CEO since April 2020 when the stock price was $99. It's now around $82 and has been in that low 80's range for a long time. However, GM's FY24 comp package was almost $16 million.
GM is laughing all the way to the back and in a short time frame, will say fuck it and retire, then get paid another 7 figures to sit on a bunch of boards.