Open letter to Geoff


Hi Geoff,

I was a part of a recent RIF, and while there are a number of things running through my head right now, it seems to be a good time to share a few of them while they are fresh. Others may follow along with their own comments as well.

I was hired when Bill Hawkins was CEO, and I had a chance to share a meal with him. I never met Omar face-to-face. We've met and had a couple conversations. One of those conversations was particularly memorable because only 5 minutes after being introduced, you made a comment about by sexual prowess (either stamina or size of my genitalia, can't quite remember). That seemed odd on multiple levels, but you be you. After that introduction, you established yourself in my mind as the "Douchebag Broski" CEO. You have not disappointed since then.

When you took over as CEO and open-sourced some of the ventilator systems, that was very encouraging. It really looked like you had a vested interest in the health and safety of your fellow man. When you announced a half-baked idea about operating units creating greater efficiencies, in the midst of everyone trying to figure out how to work from home and adjust to the new way of working, I was not encouraged. After 3 years of trying to make this new system work, it sounds like things are moving back to the way things were before you took over. That is a good thing.

Geoff, you are tone deaf. Maybe the best way to exemplify this (aside from what has already been said about your social media presence) is how you carry yourself during Town Hall meetings. Nobody gives a shit about your pocket square. During times where departments were cutting back programs and employees in order to meet their targets, you were having fashion chats with Brett and others in the room. If times were better and the company was out there saving more lives and helping more patients, along with investors seeing and appreciating those efforts, a little banter about fashion accessories would not be out of the question. Devoting time to discuss the pattern on someone's sports coat is not something a leader does when jobs are being lost and lives are impacted.

When I say lives impacted, it's not just about the employees who lost their jobs, it's about the patients who aren't getting a meaningful therapy because the re-org broke quality agreements, supply agreements, and (in some cases) rep support. Not to mention the remaining employees who had to shoulder the burden of more work with less support.

During new employee orientation, I was told that Medtronic executives flew commercial, because they really aren't any different from non-executives. It's now rather well-known that Medtronic has its own jet. Gulfstream G650ER Medtronic Corporation N449MT. GVA, October 7. 2021

Gulfstream G650ER Medtronic Corporation N449MT. GVA, October 7. 2021

That's a good looking plane. It had better be for a list price of $65M. You're a lucky guy, Geoff. As a champion of diversity, are your actions performance art? You really are making the middle-aged white man a villain in this story. That's profound.

Keep living the dream!

Hi Geoff,

During new employee orientation, I was told that Medtronic executives flew commercial, because they really aren't any different from non-executives. It's now rather well-known that Medtronic has its own jet.

The jet was one of the huge benefits to come to MDT from the Covidien acquisition. Maybe the only benefit. What you heard in orientation was 100% true because Bill Hawkins never indulged in such extravagance. Corporate jets are more of a GE thing, kind of like flushing successful businesses down the drain

Curious, would you mind elaborating upon the issues you see with GM's social media presence?
Are you kidding me? Do you ever see him talk about solutions to supply chain issues, new products and messages to our patients or workers?

All Geoff does is tweet woke SJW talking points like the sell-out frat boy douche bag he is. He hired Sally Saba. Sorry Geoff, discriminating against more qualified candidates because of their race and bragging about it is not what your patients and customers want to hear from you. The racial and climate hysteria is getting very old, its not original in the least and you have to be brain dead to think Geoff's social media presence is acceptable.

Douche bag sellout frat boy is exactly who he is. I worked with him early in his tenure at medtronic and heard him say many politically incorrect things and a lot of frat boy humor. He puts on a big act about his commitment to diversity and inclusion because that was required to be a candidate for CEO. Today it wins him adoration from all the employees who have been promoted not on their performance but on what box they fill for DI goals.

DI? Just look at where he lives!

Douche bag sellout frat boy is exactly who he is. I worked with him early in his tenure at medtronic and heard him say many politically incorrect things and a lot of frat boy humor. He puts on a big act about his commitment to diversity and inclusion because that was required to be a candidate for CEO. Today it wins him adoration from all the employees who have been promoted not on their performance but on what box they fill for DI goals.

DI? Just look at where he lives!

“Douche bag sell out frat boy”? How does this differ than any other CEO and VP in the industry? Wake up. Get over it.

If our key shareholders truly wanted to make money, they'd see the sentiment towards Geoff and kick him out on his ass. His "strategies" have fallen flat, and he's completely lost the faith of employees and Wall St.

Geoff Martha is a piece of shit. That's pretty much all I have to add.

This is true. Political incorrectness became in vogue with the rise of the anti-woke movement.
Are you seriously trying to say Geoff isnt woke enough for you? He has destroyed culture with the woke mind virus. All we see anywhere on messaging is them bragging about their DEI cult they have instated with Sally Saba as cult leader.

Dear GM,

Changing directions too many times, too quickly is never a good idea. Also, focusing precious free cash flow on D&I can make sense when priorities are handled and under control. Where you leadership failed is at recognizing ironically what Wallstreet wants, patients need and your mission.

Your team f**ked up supply chain beyond resin, tyvek, resources shortage brought on by the pandemic. THE ONLY JOB NEEDED DID NOT GET DONE.

why? Because the value chain of our business was not well understood by so called strategic minds.

this is an embrassement to all MBAs out there.
