Only 3 chumps from Hayward are going to NJ

Tremendous talent waiting in line???
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Good one, you really should of saved that one for April Fool's day. No one, and I repeat, NO ONE, with any self worth would consider signing on to this shit show.

You can't get a new job. You have tried and no one will hire you. Sad rep! Over paid and nothing to offer. Low on the corporate ladder. Rep = janitor in the real world. Your rep experience is useless. That's why I have 350 resumes and qualified peeps begging for a job . So hilarious.

You can't get a new job. You have tried and no one will hire you. Sad rep! Over paid and nothing to offer. Low on the corporate ladder. Rep = janitor in the real world. Your rep experience is useless. That's why I have 350 resumes and qualified peeps begging for a job . So hilarious.

Good points. I love my position way up in the organization. Way way above these low life reps. I make quadruple their pocket change and know exactly what you are talking about. I work daily with the EC and we are going to clear this shit out

Good points. I love my position way up in the organization. Way way above these low life reps. I make quadruple their pocket change and know exactly what you are talking about. I work daily with the EC and we are going to clear this shit out

Thank god someone in management is focused on getting rid of questcor losers. They bring nothing to this team and need to be rubbed out Brooklyn style

Thank god someone in management is focused on getting rid of questcor losers. They bring nothing to this team and need to be rubbed out Brooklyn style

Thanks for paying almost 6 billion for us Questcor losers, as it was a great consolation prize that made us a ton of money.

Question: How much did you walk away from in that deal?

Answer: A market cap that barely exceeds the cost of the acquisition, and dropping almost daily.

Good luck with Acthar, I'm sure the sales will be amazing with your leadership team. They are really, really smart. Just ask them!

I should know as I am responsible for filling all the open positions. Bye bye loser. I have 350 resumes to choose from. Ha ha ha

I have no doubt you have 350 applicants. Actually, I was surprised there aren't more. Between Taco Bell, Burger King, Jack in the Box, and Arby's, I would of thought you would of been able to attract thousands of qualified candidates, looking for the next best opportunity that they are all over qualified for.
Perhaps most of them have opted for a safer career path, like Target, Home Depot or the holy grail.... Walmart

You can't get a new job. You have tried and no one will hire you. Sad rep! Over paid and nothing to offer. Low on the corporate ladder. Rep = janitor in the real world. Your rep experience is useless. That's why I have 350 resumes and qualified peeps begging for a job . So hilarious.

Im a rep and pay more in income tax then you make in a year, you sad desk jockey. Now go make sure theres a fresh pot of coffee brewing. Oh and make sure the copy machine has toner in it.

funny that the medical guy - raji the monkey boy is going to nj - appropriate thread title. where did that guy come from. he is one pompous ass

His name is Ravi Tayi, and he is already in NJ you douche. And yes he is a pompous ass. Why do you think all the MSLs fled when he took over.? He is an absolute goof ball, arrogant prick

His name is Ravi Tayi, and he is already in NJ you douche. And yes he is a pompous ass. Why do you think all the MSLs fled when he took over.? He is an absolute goof ball, arrogant prick
Oh but that caaaan't be because afterall, aaallll of his family are doctor's! Of course, that's a shoe in for no genetic defects, right?

You can't get a new job. You have tried and no one will hire you. Sad rep! Over paid and nothing to offer. Low on the corporate ladder. Rep = janitor in the real world. Your rep experience is useless. That's why I have 350 resumes and qualified peeps begging for a job . So hilarious.

First of all, we will get a new job in due time, until then, relax. You know the motto, it's better to look for a job while you have a job. Secondly, we were paid appropriately until you cheap bastards took over. Finally, it's too bad that a janitor gets paid more than you, so sad.

I'm looking forward to some spring skiing and a summer of fun. Please don't hate the player, hate the game.