Only 10-20% of my calls are real calls

You people are hilarious. You lay 100% of the blame at the feet of management. I was a rep for over 20 years before getting out a few years ago, and yes, that management is culpable in creating the current state of affairs goes without saying. In my observation though, at least 75% of the reps hired after the merger were incompetent, unethical or both, so it wasn't just the sheer number of reps that pissed the docs off, it was also the fact that most of you come across as complete morons to your customers. Don't tell me I'm wrong, and that the reps themselves did not have a hand bringing about this environment. I saw it first hand.

You are wrong, it's management's fault. We do what we are told. Don't be a stupid ass.

Fools complain Winners get busy. When you hear Big Ben ringing that's another hour of your life gone. Come on now, get with it mate ! Don't let the wind up get you. Get cracking !!

WHO CARES???? Aparently management knows and is ok with it. You been yappin this shit for years now!!! Then I suggest you quit bitchin and enjoy yor six figure 15 hour per week job. Get the F out of here!! With all this bragging BS maybe you should be thankful your still employed!!! Douchebag!!!!

WHO CARES???? Aparently management knows and is ok with it. You been yappin this shit for years now!!! Then I suggest you quit bitchin and enjoy yor six figure 15 hour per week job. Get the F out of here!! With all this bragging BS maybe you should be thankful your still employed!!! Douchebag!!!!

I think management is clueless about how many hours per day DM's/reps work. Mine is about 20 hours per week, and i would guess that's fairly common, some less and some more. Maybe management does know and really could care less. Either way we (sales force) still win.

I think management is clueless about how many hours per day DM's/reps work. Mine is about 20 hours per week, and i would guess that's fairly common, some less and some more. Maybe management does know and really could care less. Either way we (sales force) still win.
Actual hours put in per week vs. productive high value time would be an interesting audit but hq doesn't want to know the truth or it would expose them for their waste of stockholder money to support their own worthless jobs. I suspect the ratio is highest for PSS and then erodes rapidly from there. At least the PSS is dropping samples and has a relationship with a few customers and maybe a few DSMs return some like value to the company. But beyond them, very little actual sales are impacted.

Actual hours put in per week vs. productive high value time would be an interesting audit but hq doesn't want to know the truth or it would expose them for their waste of stockholder money to support their own worthless jobs. I suspect the ratio is highest for PSS and then erodes rapidly from there. At least the PSS is dropping samples and has a relationship with a few customers and maybe a few DSMs return some like value to the company. But beyond them, very little actual sales are impacted.

so smart you are little girl

This thread is another reason why Pfizer should have gotten the deal and laid off all you lazy fucks.
Just like the VA scandal, the faking of calls is systemic within Pharma. It starts with ZS making money off of the targeting and reach and frequency bullshit. Then senior sales leaders make an objective to marketing to deliver so many calls. Then every level of management takes great pride in exceeding their call metrics. And the PSSs understand how this game is being played and fake it every single day until honesty and integrity mean absolutely nothing.
So faking the wait times at the VA led to performance bonuses for those in VA leadership and they all knew it was going on and looked the other way. Same thing.

Just like the VA scandal, the faking of calls is systemic within Pharma. It starts with ZS making money off of the targeting and reach and frequency bullshit. Then senior sales leaders make an objective to marketing to deliver so many calls. Then every level of management takes great pride in exceeding their call metrics. And the PSSs understand how this game is being played and fake it every single day until honesty and integrity mean absolutely nothing.
So faking the wait times at the VA led to performance bonuses for those in VA leadership and they all knew it was going on and looked the other way. Same thing.

So that makes it ok??? Im just appalled at the number of people we employ with no integrity or morals. Not one of you could be trusted to sit straight on the toilet. You'd snuff out your own mother and add it to your fake call numbers. Dirty leeches.

So that makes it ok??? Im just appalled at the number of people we employ with no integrity or morals. Not one of you could be trusted to sit straight on the toilet. You'd snuff out your own mother and add it to your fake call numbers. Dirty leeches.
We do it because those who did the right thing and only recorded the calls they actually made have all been fired. You learn quickly that you lie or you die at AZ. And the irony is that faking it is easier than actually working.

So that makes it ok??? Im just appalled at the number of people we employ with no integrity or morals. Not one of you could be trusted to sit straight on the toilet. You'd snuff out your own mother and add it to your fake call numbers. Dirty leeches.

You obviously don't do this job. It's full of unachievable expectations. The emperor wears no clothes. Lie or be fired. If that's wrong then change the metrics to what is achievable.

LOL...Retired DM here. One time I had a PSS who had the lowest call average by far in my district. He was the type of person that would NOT lie and put down a call he didn't make. At a business conference with my RSD his name was literally up in lights. My RSD beat me up why his call average was so low. I pointed out to my RSD that his call average may be low but his forecast achievement for ALL promoted products is first in my district. One product was First in the Region. My RSD said.."just imagine what his sales could be if he hit the district call average." I had a conference with this rep (to get the heat off of me) to get his call average up anyway he could (paper compliance would be fine wink wink). The rep refused said it was morally wrong. Within six months this rep was gone because of the reliance on metrics at good ole AZ. Can't say I blame him. I hate to say's all a game play it the way they want and you survive fight the system and you're gone. Oh well to me it was a living.

LOL...Retired DM here. One time I had a PSS who had the lowest call average by far in my district. He was the type of person that would NOT lie and put down a call he didn't make. At a business conference with my RSD his name was literally up in lights. My RSD beat me up why his call average was so low. I pointed out to my RSD that his call average may be low but his forecast achievement for ALL promoted products is first in my district. One product was First in the Region. My RSD said.."just imagine what his sales could be if he hit the district call average." I had a conference with this rep (to get the heat off of me) to get his call average up anyway he could (paper compliance would be fine wink wink). The rep refused said it was morally wrong. Within six months this rep was gone because of the reliance on metrics at good ole AZ. Can't say I blame him. I hate to say's all a game play it the way they want and you survive fight the system and you're gone. Oh well to me it was a living.

Good points. I learned in my first pharmaceutical sales gig to lie because any red flag would have you scrutinized and possibly canned. Many of the DSM's I had said "play the game." Of course I did, and many other games as well. If people are worried about ethics they can pick a much more ethical company than AZ to work for.

LOL...Retired DM here. One time I had a PSS who had the lowest call average by far in my district. He was the type of person that would NOT lie and put down a call he didn't make. At a business conference with my RSD his name was literally up in lights. My RSD beat me up why his call average was so low. I pointed out to my RSD that his call average may be low but his forecast achievement for ALL promoted products is first in my district. One product was First in the Region. My RSD said.."just imagine what his sales could be if he hit the district call average." I had a conference with this rep (to get the heat off of me) to get his call average up anyway he could (paper compliance would be fine wink wink). The rep refused said it was morally wrong. Within six months this rep was gone because of the reliance on metrics at good ole AZ. Can't say I blame him. I hate to say's all a game play it the way they want and you survive fight the system and you're gone. Oh well to me it was a living.

Thank you for being honest about the dirty little secret called call averages.

You do what you have to to survive. Personally, over half my calls are fake. I have horrible access in my territory. It's just second nature to lie. I don't know of a single rep with AZ that's not lying big time about their calls.

Now with Pfizer out of the way, everything is back to normal at AZ. Lying city here we come!